Computer science vs information technology which is better

We live in a world that is greatly dependent on technology, and it is an essential part of any business. For this reason, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professions are in extremely high demand.

In order to enter these industries, individuals must have specialized skills in the technology field. Today, a wide variety of STEM degrees are offered, each one specializing in a particular area.

So, how do you know which STEM degree is right for you? It is important to understand the difference between computer science (CS) and information technology (IT), which are two majors that provide you with the knowledge and skills to achieve success in the technology field.

What Is Computer Science?

Computer science is a broad field that focuses on understanding and using algorithmic and mathematical processes that are applied to computer systems. Artificial intelligence, software engineering, programming language theory, computer engineering, computer security and computer graphics are all subfields within computer science.

Computer science majors may work in a variety of fields, such as software engineering, research and development, scientific computing and software development. Computer scientists design and develop software for end users, embedded systems, and IT professionals. In addition, they work with computer architectures and operating systems, and are passionate about writing computer programs.

Students earning a computer science degree gain valuable knowledge about the principles of computation and the problem-solving process.

What Is Information Technology?

Those who earn an IT degree aim to meet the technology needs of organizations. In ways, information technology addresses the business side of computer science. It focuses on computers and software to store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve data. In addition, technology infrastructures like networks, servers and databases are also focuses of IT.

Information technology majors learn to identify, create, build and configure complex computing systems and platforms to solve human and business problems. For example, they learn to keep a business’ technology up-to-date so they can be efficient in their practice.

What Is The Difference Between Computer Science and Information Technology?

The primary difference is that computer science professionals use mathematics to develop and improve computer programs. IT professionals install, implement, and maintain these programs and apply them to businesses. Computer science professionals use skills in mathematics and theories to make information technology possible, and IT professionals use skills to communicate with businesses to meet their needs through technology.

So what’s the difference between computer science and IT? If you are interested in learning the behind-the-scenes of computer software development, consider a degree in computer science. If you enjoy working with others and finding technological solutions to problems, consider a degree in information technology.

The future is promising for both computer science and IT professionals. As technology is continuously becoming more integrated into society, exciting opportunities arise for those who seek a STEM degree.

Grand Canyon University’s College of Science, Engineering and Technology inspires creativity and academic excellence. To learn more about GCU’s STEM programs, get in touch with us today!  

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.

By Lim Vin Tsen

July 12, 2022

The study of IT and Computer Science are two different areas under the same industry. These similarities can make it hard to distinguish between the two of them, especially when deciding which one to pursue for your further education. While both IT and Computer Science deal extensively with computers, the specializations, education, and job opportunities available to graduates of the two courses can differ.

Generally, computer science refers to designing and building computers and computer programs. Information technology, on the other hand, refers to maintaining and troubleshooting those computers and their networks, systems, and databases to ensure they run smoothly.

Computer science vs information technology which is better

Truth of the matter is, there is no such thing as “better” because they lead to different careers and have different specialisations or subfields. Either discipline is a great choice for your studies, as long as you’re passionate about technology, and you understand what each study option implies.

Which Is More Difficult Computer Science or Information Technology? A degree in computer science is required for more advanced positions in the information technology field. It is typically harder to get a job in computer science.

Computer science vs information technology which is better

IT has more subjects as they can go to Hardware, Networking, Telecommunications, software and many more. In CS you will be aware of Software, Hardware, Networking. Information Technology graduates have a broader scope of knowledge which may open up more available jobs both here and abroad. On the other hand, a degree in Computer Science might have a higher salary to offer but along with better compensation comes higher expectations regarding your skills.

A major difference between Information Technology versus Computer Science is how a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science takes a more focused approach towards the mathematical and scientific skillsets needed to program apps and processes that improve operations and provide innovative solutions to both colleagues and clients alike.

 “The difference between Computer Science and IT is like Engineering and Physics.” Said Dr. Tang U-Liang, the Head of the IT Programmme Department in HELP University. “You go into university to study Physics, which is a pure subject, an academic subject; whereas, you study Engineering, it is an applied subject.” You use Physics to solve problems and like electrical engineering. So, IT is the same thing. You can study Computer Science like an academic subject but then in IT, you apply all the computing principles to solve problems.”

Dr. Liang said that in terms of career progression, both IT and Computer Science are quite similar.

The clear winner of which one is better really boils down to your own personal preferences, career goals, and priorities. If you prefer the peace of mind that you will have more employment opportunities, then perhaps you are more suited for the versatility of an Information Technology degree. On the other hand, students that have a very clear specialization in computer science that they wish to pursue such as AI building, programming, and hardware design, then a degree in Computer Science is the best choice for you.

Our Information & Technology Programme offers:

  • The Diploma in Information Technology
  •  Bachelor in Information Technology (Hons)
  • Bachelor in Information Technology (2UII) (Work based learning)
  • Bachelor in Information Technology (Data Analytics) and
  • Masters in Information Technology. Intake is now in progress.

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