How many lashes shed a day

Question. Did you know that eyelashes are hairs? This may sound like a stupid question, but the fact is that the hairs on our eyelids are made of the same stuff as the hairs on our head, and this is something that not a lot of people realise. 

Just like the hairs all over our body, eyelashes malt and are replaced with new lashes – it’s just unfortunate that they end up in our eye and result in an eye-watering five minutes where we try and blink the fallen lash out. 

There are certain times within an eyelash’s life cycle that mean great things for your extensions and other times which will require a little patience and care.

How often do eyelashes shed?

It is actually really common to lose up to seven lashes every day, but as they are constantly in a renewal cycle, this is nothing to worry about and generally, you don’t even notice. 

There are however seasons throughout the year, specifically spring and autumn, where lashes will shed more noticeably. This is exactly like the process that animals go through, where they shed their summer and winter coats, ready for the next season.

What is the life cycle of an eyelash?

Each individual hair on your eyelid, like the hair on your head, goes through three stages of growth. The life of an eyelash begins at the anagen stage, where they are tiny and just poking out from the lash line. 

Extensions can still absolutely be applied to your natural lashes at this stage, but it is important that the technician is gentle and works with very short, lightweight extensions. The catagen stage is the next stop on your eyelash’s life-journey, where they are about halfway to be fully grown and have a little break from growing. Their strength and longevity at this stage make it the perfect time to apply for an eyelash extension as it will last the longest it possibly can. 

This is also known as the transitional stage because the eyelash is about to become fully grown and enter the final period of its life – the telogen stage. At full length and approaching its time to shed, this final part of an eyelash’s journey can be the worst time to apply for an extension as it will fall with your natural lash and end up somewhere on your cheek.

When is the eyelash shedding season?

Just like our furry, animal friends and their hair, humans lose their lashes at a faster rate during the warmer months to prepare for a change in temperature. This means that lash technicians may see their fluttery pieces of art last less longer than desired, but this is something that clients should be aware of is totally normal. 

Excess sweating in the heat may also cause the lash adhesive to work less effectively as your skin becomes oilier. Top tip: this applies to workouts too, so keep sweat out of your eyes with a headband during gym sessions!

However, everyone is different, and some people may find that it’s actually the winter months that take their toll on their lash extensions. The cold temperatures and low humidity can make eyelashes brittle and cause them to break easily. 

To combat this, there are small changes you can make, such as taking advantage of any winter sun for some Vitamin D and eating a healthy balanced diet – you know that healthy sheen your hair has when your diet is on point? You can gain the same effect for your eyelashes too.

What’s the best way to prevent lashes from shedding?

Keep them clean! Lash extensions should be cleaned every day at home, in order to keep them in tip-top condition and this especially applies to the day of your infill appointments.

Be wary that your technician will know when you’re lying as individual lash hairs within a fan will close up when they haven’t been cleaned properly! Beyond this, the only thing you can do it ride eyelash shedding season out as around the six-week mark, everything should start returning to normal.

We hope that you’re feeling clued up now. Remember, it is very normal for your eyelashes to shed and for extensions to fall with them, especially during the eyelash shedding season. With the colder months currently upon us, take care to look after your lash extensions and follow the advice of your technician.

They say every time you lose an eyelash you should make a wish. My wish: that my damn eyelashes would stop falling out! It seems like I lose five or more hairs a day. So, I had to figure out what was causing this fall out before I ended up lashless.

Dr. Heidi Waldorf, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, tells SELF that the hair on your eyelids is a lot like the hair on your head. There's a natural growth phase and rate of shedding. So, it's totally OK to lose 1-2 lashes a day (not clumps!!), and it typically takes at least three months for each hair to grow back.

If your lashes tend to fall out like mine, common culprits like waterproof mascara and falsies could be to blame. Here, five bad beauty habits that might be causing you to lose your lashes.

Related: 11 Bad Beauty Habits to Break ASAP

1. You're rubbing too hard when you remove your makeup.

Mascara can be one of the hardest things to remove with just face wash—your smudged towels are evidence. It's important to use an oil-based makeup remover to gently get rid of makeup around the eyes. Hold a cotton round against the lids for a few seconds to loosen the product, and you won't have to work as hard. If you're rubbing too much, you can aggravate the area and end up with lashes on your cotton pad. "Any irritation from mascara use, rubbing, and even removing eye makeup can be traumatic," Christine Choi Kim, M.D., a dermatologist in Santa Monica, tells SELF.

Related: I Tried 9 Coconut Oil Beauty Hacks For A Week So You Don't Have To

2. You're sleeping with mascara on.

You've probably heard how wearing makeup to bed is bad for your skin. Sleeping in mascara can also be problematic for your lashes. Dr. Kim likens it to wearing hairspray. Manipulating your strands with a really stiff coating can make them more prone to snap, and the same is true of mascara. The product hardens the lashes, and the friction against your pillow can cause breakage. Yes, lash breakage is a thing.

3. You're removing your false lashes or lash extensions all wrong.

Falsies can change your entire look (I love them to enhance my sparse, stubby lashes). If you have the tendency to remove your falsies without using makeup remover, it could be doing serious damage to your natural lashes. Make sure to use a Q-tip doused in an oil-based cleanser to loosen the glue at the lash line before pulling them away.

Dr. Waldorf also warns against extensions. "Eyelash extensions can also cause loss of eyelashes [similar to] traction alopecia on the scalp," she says. Lash extensions use medical grade glue to attach individual hairs to the root of your natural lashes. The tension could cause your real hair to fall out. If you do opt for lash extensions, allow them to shed naturally and resist the urge to tug.

4. You only use waterproof mascara.

Waterproof mascara is a great tool to have in your beauty arsenal, but it's not an everyday solution. The same ingredients used to make this type of mascara last longer can dry out your lashes, making them more brittle (and apt to break). Not to mention, it's really hard to take off. See number one.

How many lash extensions fall out per day?

How many eyelash extensions fall out per day? One to five lashes fall out a day, depending on the person, their age, health, lifestyle, and a thousand other factors. It is perfectly normal and occurs with or without eyelash extensions. Thus, about 20% of our lashes fall out every week.

Is it normal for eyelashes to fall out everyday?

There's a natural growth phase and rate of shedding. So, it's totally OK to lose 1-2 lashes a day (not clumps!!), and it typically takes at least three months for each hair to grow back. If your lashes tend to fall out like mine, common culprits like waterproof mascara and falsies could be to blame.

How much do eyelashes shed?

It is actually really common to lose up to seven lashes every day, but as they are constantly in a renewal cycle, this is nothing to worry about and generally, you don't even notice. There are however seasons throughout the year, specifically spring and autumn, where lashes will shed more noticeably.