How much is 100 milligrams of coffee

Although individuals seem to differ in their vulnerability to caffeine’s influence, if drunk in moderation, the risks appear negligible.

How much is 100 milligrams of coffee

A passerby walks past a latte at Zeitgeist Kunst and Kafee in Seattle. Research suggests that although individuals differ in their vulnerability to caffeine’s influence, if drunk in moderation, the risks appear negligible.Anthony Bolante / Reuters file

Dec. 3, 2004, 8:03 PM UTC

A day without a latte, cup of tea, or caffeinated soft drink is unthinkable for many people. Yet caffeine poses some health risks. Although individuals seem to differ in their vulnerability to caffeine’s influence, if drunk in moderation, the risks appear negligible.

Studies on caffeine discount any risk of cancer. A major report from the American Institute for Cancer Research, based on numerous studies, concluded that coffee has no link to cancer risk.

Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day, however, may increase the risk of heart problems. In fact, a new study suggests that even two six-ounce cups of coffee a day may increase blood test values that measure inflammation.

If future research confirms these findings, there may be cause for concern. But it’s too early to severely limit your coffee consumption for this reason, because two large American studies show no effect of coffee or caffeine on the incidence of heart disease.

Osteoporosis warning
Earlier research seemed to show that caffeine increases the loss of calcium, raising the risk of osteoporosis. Even in a fairly recent study, women aged 65–77 who drank more than 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine daily — about 18 ounces of regular coffee — showed greater bone loss over a three-year period than those who drank less. But the bone loss occurred only among a minority of women with an unusual variation in their cell vitamin D receptors.

In fact, high caffeine consumption only seems to cause bone loss in elderly women who don’t get enough calcium. As long as elderly women get the recommended 1,200 mg of calcium a day, it should be safe for them to drink up to 300 mg caffeine or about 18 ounces of coffee or its equivalent. Caffeine does not appear to adversely affect the bones of premenopausal women at all.

At one time, some consumer advice claimed that caffeinated drinks deplete the body’s fluid levels because caffeine increases urination. More recent research shows that a person’s fluid balance is not significantly affected by a moderate use of caffeine.

Bad for high blood pressure?
Since some studies suggest that two to three cups of coffee can raise blood pressure around 10 points, many physicians limit people with high blood pressure to 200 mg (two six-ounce cups of coffee) per day or less. However, regular caffeine consumers may develop a caffeine tolerance that prevents blood pressure elevations, according to other studies.

The greatest reason people drink caffeinated beverages is to increase their energy and alertness. Studies show that 100 to 200 mg of caffeine (about 1 to 2 cups of regular coffee) are enough to achieve these results. When caffeine consumption climbs to 250 to 700 mg per day, people may experience nausea, headaches, sleep difficulties or increased anxiety. People may have heart palpitations with more than 1,000 mg.

Some day, there may be individual advice for everyone about how much caffeine they can safely consume. Research, however, is only beginning to explain why caffeine’s influence varies so much. For instance, genetic differences in the enzymes that metabolize caffeine cause some people to process caffeine quickly, thus reducing their exposure to caffeine’s effects sooner. There are also inherited differences in cell receptors.

For now, you should stick to moderate amounts of caffeine. For an adult, that means no more than 300 mg daily, which is three 6-ounce cups of coffee, four cups of regular tea, or six 12-ounce colas.

A person may want to have even less, depending upon how caffeine affects their sleep, blood pressure, digestive system and overall well being. Children, nursing mothers or pregnant women, on the other hand, should have much less because caffeine will have stronger effects in smaller bodies.

Caffeine is naturally present in coffee, tea, cocoa, guarana, and yerba mate, but it is also frequently added to sodas, energy drinks, and weight-loss supplements. Most of us consume some form of caffeinated beverage. In 2016 alone, people ingested 7 million tonnes of coffee, and the energy drink market is consistently growing. Before we get into the evidence on safe caffeine dosage, let’s see where all this caffeine is coming from.

The infographic below features some of the more popular caffeinated beverages, with their caffeine contents. Keep in mind that, while the caffeine content of a given energy drink or soda is usually consistent from bottle to bottle,[1] the caffeine content of coffee or tea can vary greatly.[2][3][4][5]. The type of bean, harvest processing, storage, and extraction method (espresso, french press, filtered) will all affect the final caffeine content in your cup of coffee.[6]

How much is 100 milligrams of coffee

How much is too much?

Caffeine’s safety is relative — it depends on the dose, of course, but also on your health. Some people display no unwanted symptoms from multiple cups of coffee per day, while others can’t drink one cup without experiencing abnormally high spikes in blood pressure,[7] disrupted sleep, headaches, irritability, or nervousness (although some of the “jittery” effects may be alleviated with the co-ingestion of theanine). Interestingly, similar symptoms have been reported by people going through caffeine withdrawal,[8] in addition to yawning, sleepiness/drowsiness, fatigue, lower motivation to work, impaired concentration, impaired cognitive performance, flu-like symptoms, and muscle stiffness.[9]

In this article, we’ve broken down the recommendations on caffeine safety, but remember that these are guidelines — individual mileage may vary.

For healthy adults

The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA),[10] the US National Academies of Science (NAS),[11] and Health Canada[12] have concluded that, for healthy adults, caffeine intakes up to 400 mg/day don’t raise any general health concerns. While you can consume more, 400 mg is how much caffeine most healthy people can regularly consume in a day without undue negative side effects.

Further, the EFSA indicates that, for most people, up to 200 mg of caffeine at once doesn’t raise health concerns, even “when consumed less than two hours prior to intense physical exercise”. However, they caution that 100 mg of caffeine taken close to bedtime may affect sleep quality. Keep in mind that the half-life of caffeine is 5 hours (on average; it varies greatly between individuals),[13] which means that you probably still have caffeine in your blood if you drank coffee within the last 10 hours.

Healthy adults can safely consume up to 400 mg/day, but avoid caffeine near bedtime for optimal sleep quality.

For breastfeeding or pregnant women

A review by the EFSA recommends that women who are breastfeeding, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant limit their intake to 200 mg of caffeine per day.[10] Other reviews have concluded that 300 mg/day is safe,[12][14] but you may be cutting it close, since taking more increases the risk of nausea and, worse, of miscarriage.[15][16]

Randomized controlled trials in pregnant or breastfeeding women are scarce, so erring on the side of lower caffeine consumption may be prudent, especially since the half-life of caffeine increases from an average of 3 hours for non-pregnant women to 10.5 hours during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy.[17] In other words, when you are pregnant, your body takes a lot longer to get rid of the caffeine you consume: some of the caffeine you ingest in the morning is added to the caffeine you ingest after lunch, and so you may end up with a much higher dose coursing your body than you ever thought possible.

Scientific reviews differ on what constitutes a safe upper intake for pregnant or breastfeeding women: either 200 or 300 mg of caffeine per day. The clinical evidence being scarce, it is advisable to keep consumption on the lower side of these recommendations.

For children and adolescents

The EFSA notes that the “information available is insufficient to derive a safe caffeine intake” for children and adolescents, but it recommends using the adult population’s upper limit for single doses (3 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight) as the younger population’s upper limit for daily intake.[10] Health Canada and non-governmental reviews, however, have called for a lower upper limit: 2.5 mg/kg/day.[12][14][18] According to Health Canada, 2.5 mg/kg/day translates to the following approximate limits:

  • 4–6 years: 45 mg/day
  • 7–9 years: 62.5 mg/day
  • 10–12 years: 85 mg/day

Other groups have called for even more research and caution in this population, particularly in regard to the caffeine content of energy drinks. The Health and Medicine Division (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine) has recommended that caffeinated drinks not be sold to children at school.[19] In March of 2013, a group of scientists sent a letter to the FDA commissioner stating that “the best available scientific evidence demonstrates a robust correlation between the caffeine levels in energy drinks and adverse health and safety consequences, particularly among children, adolescents, and young adults”.[20]

The safe level of caffeine intake for children and adolescents is currently thought to be 2.5 or 3 mg/kg/day, but these ranges are largely estimated based on studies in adults. A number of organizations have called for more research in this area and, until more data can be collected, limiting children’s caffeine intake is advisable.

For people with cardiovascular health concerns

It is well documented that caffeine can raise blood pressure for 3–4 hours (though this effect normally decreases with regular intake).[21] Fortunately, in healthy adults, caffeine intakes of up to 400 mg/day have not been linked to increases in cardiovascular disease risk.[14][22] But in people with high blood pressure or pre-existing heart conditions (in other words, in people for whom stimulants in general are contraindicated), the long-term effects of regular caffeine intake are less certain.[14][23] Moderate intakes may be OK, but this should be assessed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with a healthcare provider.

The cardiovascular risk of healthy adults doesn’t seem to increase with caffeine intakes of up to 400 mg/day, but in people with high blood pressure or cardiac health concerns, the long-term implications of regular caffeine intake are less clear — low to moderate intakes could be safe, but consult your healthcare provider first.

How much can I drink before hitting the 400 mg limit?

In order to track your caffeine intake, you have to be aware of the caffeinated beverages you drink and know their caffeine contents. The infographic below features the same caffeinated beverages as the infographic above; it shows, for each kind of beverage, how much you would need to consume to hit the 400 mg/day threshold for caffeine.

How much is 100 milligrams of coffee

What happens if I ingest too much caffeine?

With regard to oral doses of caffeine, 10 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight is considered toxic and 150 mg/kg can be lethal.[24][25][26] So, for someone who weighs 68 kg (150 lb), toxicity can start at 0.7 g and lethality at 10 g. Therefore, yes, caffeine can kill, but a healthy person would need to drink in rapid succession dozens of the beverages shown above.

Concentrated forms of caffeine, such as pills, liquids, or powder, are another story. The FDA warns that “one teaspoon of pure powdered caffeine is equivalent to the amount of caffeine in about 28 cups of regular coffee”. It is much easier to accidentally overdose on powdered caffeine than on caffeinated beverages.

While poisonings or deaths caused by caffeine are rare, they do happen.[27][28][29][30] Even specialists can make mistakes, as was seen in a Northumbria University trial that accidentally gave two students 30 g of powdered caffeine (equivalent to about 300 cups of coffee), when they should have received 0.3 g (300 mg). Both students survived, but they were hospitalized for some time.

Unless you have a pre-existing heart condition, you run little risk of accidentally ingesting lethal doses of caffeine through caffeinated drinks, but you should steer clear of concentrated caffeine sources.

Best practices

The upper recommended intakes covered in this article are based on the long-term effects of regular caffeine consumption. Doses over 400 mg (up to 800 mg[31]) have been used in short-term studies on the performance-enhancing effects of caffeine.[32] Such high doses might not hurt when taken on occasion, depending on the person, but the more frequent the occasion, the more likely you become to experience the downsides of caffeine.

Furthermore, some of the benefits from caffeine fade with frequent intake, which is why some people choose to cycle caffeine.

The occasional high dose of caffeine might boost your physical performance — but regularly exceeding your recommended upper intake can hurt your health on the long term. Moreover, regular use and infrequent use of caffeine offer different benefits, so cycling caffeine may be wise, depending on your fitness goals.

Is 100 milligrams a lot of caffeine?

Ultimately, 100 mg of caffeine is a safe, reasonable dose whether you've been drinking caffeine for a while or you're trying caffeine for the first time.

How much is 100 mg of coffee in cups?

For reference, a 12 ounce can of a caffeinated soft drink typically contains 30 to 40 milligrams of caffeine, an 8-ounce cup of green or black tea 30-50 milligrams, and an 8-ounce cup of coffee closer to 80 to 100 milligrams.

What does mg mean in coffee?

Caffeine is shown in milligrams (mg). Keep in mind that the actual caffeine content of a cup of coffee or tea can vary quite a bit. Factors such as processing and brewing time affect the caffeine level. So use these numbers as a guide. Coffee drinks.

How many mg is a strong coffee?

Is Very Strong Coffee high in caffeine? Very Strong Coffee contains 112.50 mg of caffeine per fl oz (380.41 mg per 100 ml). A 12 fl oz cup has a total of 1350 mg of caffeine.