How to get oil stain out of nylon

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When you work with oils, you end up with a lot of stains. So knowing how to remove oil stains from clothes is a must, even if they’re set in!

It seems I can’t find a shirt without an oil stain or two these days. And because I use oils every day, it’s not surprising.

I have “work” clothes that can get stains and “good” clothes that I prefer to keep clean.

Well, a few days ago I noticed several oil stains on one of my “good” shirts while folding laundry. Turns out, I washed it with a tube of my homemade vanilla lip balm.

When The Stain is Already Set

The garment had already been through the wash and dry cycles. Have you ever tried to get a stain out of clothes that have already been through the wash? Yeah, it’s next to impossible! But I needed to get the stain out because I love this shirt. Read on to learn my tricks for oil stain removal!

Remove Grease Stains and Oil Stains From Clothes: Step 1

For grease stains do this. My first thought was liquid dish soap because it removes grease and oil. We use a natural dish soap that does a great job cutting through grease. I figured it couldn’t hurt to try. And I also did sprinkle some baking soda on to help soak up any excess oil. Try blotting it with a paper towel.

I used those two to scrub and blot the stain and then left it alone to work. Then I rinsed the shirt and tossed it in the washing machine (using our homemade laundry detergent). I let it air dry and checked to see if the stain was still there.

It was.

If your stain remains, go to step 2.

Remove Oil Stains From Clothes: Step 2

First I repeated the blotting and scrubbing in of the baking soda and soap cleaner. Then I rinsed the shirt and put it in a hot water soak with a natural, color-safe, oxygen bleach. I let it sit for an hour and then wash it on warm.

After air drying, I was successful in removing oil stains from clothes! My shirt was good as new and you never would have known it had a stain.

Note: I used this stain fighter on a cotton shirt. The wash instructions for my shirt were to wash in cold or hot water, so I knew that hot water would not damage my fabric.

If your stained article of clothing is not machine washable or cannot be washed in hot water, this method might not work for you. It also could damage fabrics if they are hand-wash or dry clean only.  Make sure you test the oxygen bleach on a small part of your fabric to see how it reacts.

Also, be sure to air dry your article of clothing! Placing it in the dryer could set the stain even further.

  • baking soda (amount based on the size of your stain)
  • natural dish soap (several drops to 1 teaspoon)
  • filtered water
  • natural oxygen bleach (color safe)
  • The stained article of clothing

  1. Place the stained article of clothing on a flat surface and apply several drops of natural dish soap to the stained areas.

  2. Using a wet toothbrush, massage the soap into the stain.

  3. Cover the area with baking soda and brush the soda into the entire area with a toothbrush.

  4. Continue adding baking soda and brushing into the stain until the baking soda creates a paste-like cover over the stained area

  5. Wait one hour, then rinse off baking soda completely.

  6. Soak clothing in warm water with 1/2 scoop of oxygen bleach mixed in for another hour.

  7. Wash clothing in the washer on warm.

  8. Air dry and repeat if necessary.

Do you know how to remove oil stains from clothes? Share your experience.

More DIY Stain Removers

  • 5 Different DIY Stain Removers
  • Homemade Stain Removers for Tough Stains


Katie is a wife, mother, aromatherapist, and lover of all things DIY. She offers consultations and gives simple aromatherapy advice at Katie Vance, Aromatherapy Simplified. You can also find Katie on Facebook.

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Do oil stains come out of nylon?

Food grease stains on nylon and polyester are more easily removed the sooner you can treat them. As soon as possible, apply an aerosol pretreatment laundry stain remover for at least one minute before washing. If the stain is set in, you might want to rub the food grease area with liquid detergent, too.

How do you get car grease out of a nylon jacket?

Lay your clothing flat..
Place an old towel or cardboard under the stain..
Sprinkle baking soda on top of the grease..
Let the baking soda sit for about 10 minutes while watching for it to change color as it soaks up the stain..
Scrape off the baking soda..
Wash clothing with hot water..

How do you get an oil stain out of clothes that's already been dried?

How to Get Old Oil Stains Out of Clothes.
Scrape and blot liquid dish soap into the stain and let sit for 10 minutes..
Soak in warm or hot water for at least 30 minutes. ... .
Place in the washing machine with laundry detergent in the warmest water recommended on your care tag..
Line dry..

How do you get stains out of nylon polyester?

place stained area on a clean white cloth..
combine 1 tbsp. dishwashing liquid, I cup vinegar & I cup water in a dish..
soap white cloth & apply to stain..
wait approximately 20 minutes to allow solution to penetrate..
rub fabric together..
rinse (under a faucet) in cold water..
launder and air dry..


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