How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast

Flu season often gets with it fever, cold and coughing. The constant itch caused by a sore throat is often agitating, especially if it hinders your productivity at work and home.
Contagious in nature, sore throat is often the first signal our body gives in reaction to the infection which has entered our body. Pharyngitis or sore throat is a condition with local and systemic symptoms. Here are some home remedies you can follow to get rid of this condition:
1.Gargles: Our grandmother’s favourite cure for any sore throat infection, gargles are the best and most effective way of curing sore throat. This is because a glass of lukewarm water with a pinch of salt will help increase the blood flow to pharyngeal region which will eventually wash off the infection. Once the infection is washed off, the edema associated with this infection will also reduce. Other than this, the mucus, which often toughens up at a time like this will loosen and get out of the body easily.

2.Warm liquids: Teas such as cinnamon tea, ginger tulsi tea, lemon honey tea or simply a cup of desi masala chai can do wonders for your throat. As the throat is choked due to infection, warm liquids can help relax this area.
3. Soft diet: Eating foods lighter on your stomach will be helpful. Along with this, foods which won't hurt while going down your throat will also be extremely useful. You can steam an apple and consume it with honey, or have mashed khichdi or dal with crushed vegetables for best results.

4. Steam: You can add a cough suppressant in your steam and inhale it for speedy recovery. This will open up your nasal and throat area and help you breathe properly.

5.Throat sootheners: During a sore throat condition, our throat tends to become dry and hence causes numbness in the throat area. Taking cough lozenges, menthol or eucalyptus oil lozenges can help you heal your throat faster.

6. Local heat: Sore throat also brings with it pain. There are times when our throat gets spasms of pain or while we eat a hard food, our throat starts to pain. At times like these, you can apply a heating pad or a hot towel around your neck give relief to the delicate aching area.

7. Analgesics antipyretics: Any medication should be taken only after confirming with your family physician. If you do not suffer from any allergies from over the counter an analgesics (NSAIDS), then taking them to bring down fever is useful and should be done right away.

8.What to avoid: While sore throat maybe a very common problem for many with the change in season, we tend to stick to our everyday habits even at such times. Refrain from smoking, drinking caffeinated drinks such as cold drinks, consuming oily and fried foods and exercising. This is because while exercising will exert your body and will not let it heal faster, consumption of foods and liquids with excess of processed items will end up harming your throat more than you think. This is because it will lead to dehydrating, drying and irritating your throat when it should be healing itself.

9. Avoid going to public places as the infection can increase because, during the flu season, cold, cough and fever are extremely contagious and can worsen your condition.

10. Get medical attention if our sore throat lasts for more than 5 days, your neck starts to swell or you get body pains and cannot handle the aches.

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A sore throat is a horrible feeling, but luckily, it doesn’t have to last! Given that you are past the prevention routine, you can get rid of a sore throat quickly with home remedies and certain foods. However, if your sore throat lasts for more than 3 days, see a doctor, because you might have a more serious underlying medical condition.

  1. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Gargle to help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water. Take the liquid into the back of your throat, gargle with your head turned slightly up, and spit the water out. Gargle once every hour or so. You should wash your mouth out after so your mouth doesn't taste too bad.

    Optional: Put one teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar in the water and gargle as usual. Do not swallow!

  2. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Use nonprescription throat lozenges for relief. Many herbal lozenges that you can buy over the counter contain analgesics like lemon or honey.

    • Some throat lozenges, like Sucrets Maximum Strength or Spec-T, are safe and effective and contain medicine (local anesthetic) that numbs the throat to soothe pain.
    • Try not to consume analgesic lozenges for more than three days, as the anesthetics could mask a serious bacterial infection such as Streptococcus (strep throat) that needs medical intervention.


  3. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Use throat sprays for relief. Like lozenges, throat sprays such as Cepacol, help relieve pain by numbing the lining of the throat. Follow instructions on labeling for proper dosage, and consult a doctor or pharmacist for information regarding use with other medications and/or remedies.

  4. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Soothe your throat pain with a warm compress. You can soothe pain on the inside of your throat with warm tea, lozenges, and throat sprays, but how about attacking the pain from the outside? Wrap a warm compress around the outside of your throat.[1] This could be a warm heating pad, a hot water bottle, or a warm, damp cloth.

  5. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Make a compress out of chamomile. Make a batch of chamomile tea (or soak 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers in one to two cups boiling water and let steep). Once the tea is warm enough to touch, soak a clean towel in the tea, wring it out, and apply to neck area. Leave it there for 30-45 minutes and repeat several times a day, if you need to. Alternatively, you can buy chamomile flowers and put it in a teapot and let it sit for five minutes in hot water. [2]

  6. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Make a plaster with sea salt and water. Mix 2 cups sea salt with 5 to 6 tablespoons (73.9 to 88.7 ml) lukewarm water to create a damp, but not wet, mixture. Put the salt in the center of a clean dishtowel. Roll the towel along its longer side and wrap the towel around your neck. Cover the plaster with another dry towel. Leave on for as long as you wish.[1]

  7. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Use humidifiers or steam treatments for relief. Warm or cool mist moving through a humidifier can help soothe your throat, although take care not to make your room uncomfortably cold or damp.

    • Use a steam treatment with warm water and a dishtowel. Bring 2-3 cups of water to a soft boil and remove from heat. (Optional: steep chamomile, ginger, or lemon tea in the water.) Lest rest for about 5 minutes. Put your hand over the steam coming off the water to test if it is too hot. Pour the water into a large bowl, drape a clean dishtowel over your head, and bring your covered head over the steam issuing from the bowl. Breathe deeply through your mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat as necessary.[1]

  8. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen. For pain relief, it's okay to take acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Avoid giving children under the age of 20 any aspirin. The combination has been linked to a serious condition called Reye syndrome. [3] Follow dosage instruction on the label exactly.

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  1. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Get plenty of rest.[1] Try to sleep during the day, if possible and maintain your regular sleeping schedule for the night. Shoot to sleep more than your usual daily allotment, about 11-13 hours while symptoms last.

  2. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. It's no secret that our hands are vectors for bacteria: We touch our face and other objects, increasing the likelihood of spreading bacteria. Wash your hands frequently if you have a sore throat or cold in order to prevent as much bacterial transmission.

  3. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.[1] Water may help thin secretions in the throat, and warmer fluids help soothe irritation in the throat. Hydrating your body will help it fight off infections and clear the sore throat quickly.

    • Drink a warm chamomile or ginger tea to soothe your throat.[5]
    • Mix a hot drink of Manuka honey, lemon, and warm water. If you can’t find Manuka honey, go with regular.[6]
    • Drinking electrolyte-rich sports drinks, such as Gatorade, will help your body replenish the salts, sugars, and other necessary minerals it needs to fight the sore throat.[7]

    Tip: Shoot for three liters (13 cups) of water a day for men, and 2.2 liters (9 cups) of water a day for women.[4]

  4. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Take showers every morning and every night. Take frequent, steamy showers. Showering will help clean your body, offer a refreshing diversion, and allow the steam a chance to soothe your throat.

  5. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Take vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are compounds formed when our bodies convert the food we eat into energy.[8] The scientific evidence about whether vitamin C specifically helps sore throats is controversial, but it certainly won't hurt your sore throat.[9] You might as well take it.

    • Other antioxidant-rich foods include: green tea, blueberries and cranberries, beans (pinto beans, kidney beans, and black beans), artichokes, prunes, apples, and pecans, among others.[10]

  6. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Make garlic tea. This can work well, as garlic is a natural antibiotic.[11]

    • Cut some fresh garlic into small pieces (medium slices).
    • Put the garlic pieces into a mug/teacup. Fill with water.
    • Put the cup inside of the microwave. Boil for two minutes.
    • Remove the cup. While still hot, take out the pieces of garlic.
    • Add your favorite tea bag (preferably a flavored one to kill the smell of garlic), such as vanilla flavor.
    • Add some honey or other sweetener (enough to make drinking tasty).
    • Drink (it will taste really good thanks to the tea bag and sweetener). You can have as many cups as you like.

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  1. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Avoid dairy foods, if they make you feel worse. Studies have proven that there’s no real connection between how much dairy you consume and the amount of mucus you have. However, some people feel more stuffy after eating dairy when they have a sore throat or cold. Try a dairy product, such as a cup of yogurt, some cheese, or a glass of milk. If you feel fine afterwards, you can continue eating dairy. If your throat hurts more or you feel more stuffy, consider eating less of it while you’re still sick..[12]

  2. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Avoid overly sugary foods, such as cupcakes or cake. Eating sugary, processed food with low nutritional value won’t give you the vitamins and minerals you need to feel better. Sugary foods that are dry, like cake and cupcakes, are even worse, as they’ll be scratchy on your throat and hard to swallow.[13]

    • A cream-based soup or warm broth will also help you feel better.

    Tip: If you’re craving something sweet, opt for fruit or vegetable smoothies. For breakfast, try warm oatmeal.

  3. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Avoid cold foods and drinks. Don't let the cooling sensation of drinks and ice cream fool you: You want to keep your body's core temperature up. Warm drinks, like tea, are the best to drink. If you just want water, try to drink it hot or at least lukewarm.[14]

  4. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Try not to eat citrus fruits. Fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and tomatoes can hurt your throat even more. Instead, opt for grape or apple juice, which are fruity and refreshing but not acidic.[15]

    Did you know? There is an urban legend that orange juice is good for a sore throat as it is full of vitamin C but the acidity will just cause more irritation and pain to the throat.

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  1. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    See a doctor if your sore throat lasts for more than three days. It's better to be safe than sorry. Your doctor can look at your throat, discuss your symptoms, and perform tests that hopefully will put you back on the path to a quick recovery.

  2. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Check for signs of strep throat. Your sore throat is probably just that — sore. But there's a chance what you thought was sore throat is, in fact, strep throat or another potentially hazardous infection. Be on the lookout for these signs that you have strep throat:

    • Severe and sudden sore throat without the usual signs of common cold (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc.).
    • Fever over 101° F (38.3° C). Lower fevers suggest increased likelihood of viral infection, not strep.
    • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
    • White or yellow spots or coating on the throat and tonsils.
    • Bright red throat or dark red spots on the roof of the mouth at the back near the throat.
    • Scarlet blotches in the neck area or other parts of the body.

  3. How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast


    Check for signs of mononucleosis, or mono. Mono is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus[16] and is usually associated with teens and young adults, as most adults have immunity to the virus. Symptoms of mono include:

    • High fever, anywhere from 101° - 104° F (38.3° - 40° C), with attendant chills.
    • Sore throat, with white patches on the tonsils.
    • Swollen tonsils and swollen lymph nodes all over the body.
    • Headache, fatigue, and a lack of energy.
    • Pain in the upper left side of the abdomen, near your spleen. If your spleen hurts, seek medical attention immediately, as it could mean that your spleen has burst.

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    What's a good way to get rid of a sore throat?

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    Dr. Andrea Rudominer is a board certified Pediatrician and Integrative Medicine Doctor based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Rudominer has over 15 years of medical care experience and specializes in preventive health care, obesity, adolescent care, ADHD, and culturally competent care. Dr. Rudominer received her MD from the University of California, Davis, and completed a residency at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University. Dr. Rudominer also has an MPH in Maternal Child Health from the University of California, Berkeley. She is a Member of the American Board of Pediatrics, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a Member and Delegate of the California Medical Association, and a Member of the Santa Clara County Medical Association.

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    Take a hot shower and let the steam wash over you. Drink plenty of tea with honey in it. You can also gargle with salt water to relieve your symptoms. You could add a drop or two of bergamot essential oil to the salt water if you'd like.

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    If I have a sore throat, should I cough a lot or will that make it worse?

    How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast

    Sarah Gehrke is a Registered Nurse and Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas. Sarah has over 10 years of experience teaching and practicing phlebotomy and intravenous (IV) therapy using physical, psychological, and emotional support. She received her Massage Therapist License from the Amarillo Massage Therapy Institute in 2008 and a M.S. in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2013.

    How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast

    Registered Nurse

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    Can I just gargle salt water, or should I put something else in it?

    How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast

    Sarah Gehrke is a Registered Nurse and Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas. Sarah has over 10 years of experience teaching and practicing phlebotomy and intravenous (IV) therapy using physical, psychological, and emotional support. She received her Massage Therapist License from the Amarillo Massage Therapy Institute in 2008 and a M.S. in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2013.

    How to get rid of a swollen sore throat fast

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  • Take ibuprofen or any other equivalent for temporary relief. Do not give children these medications, particularly aspirin, without the prior consent of a doctor and/or medical professional. Aspirin use by children has been linked to Reye’s syndrome.[17]

  • Avoid drinking excess alcohol, which can weaken your immune system.[18]

  • Chewing fresh pieces of ginger may help.[19]

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  • Avoid smoking cigarettes or cigars.

  • Avoid soda and other high-sugar foods and beverages. Ginger ale is an exception, as ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities that may help soothe your sore throat and swollen tonsils.[20]



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Article SummaryX

To quickly get rid of a sore throat, mix 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and 8 ounces of warm water and gargle. Avoid dairy, sugar, and cold water in order to avoid making your sore throat worse. Temporarily soothe throat pain with lozenges like Sucrets Maximum Strength or Spec-T, throat sprays like Cepacol, or over-the-counter ibuprofen. For more advice from our Medical reviewer, including how to recognize more severe medical symptoms, scroll down!

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What reduces swelling in the throat?

Gargling Salt water can help reduce swelling and irritation in your throat. Baking soda also soothes the throat, breaks up mucus and can help with throat-irritating acid reflux.

How long does it take for a swollen throat to go down?

Sore throats, also known as pharyngitis, can be acute, lasting only a few days, or chronic, lingering on until their underlying cause is addressed. Most sore throats are the result of common viruses and resolve on their own within 3 to 10 days. Sore throats caused by a bacterial infection or allergies may last longer.

What makes a sore throat go away quicker?

Things that kill a sore throat fast include saltwater gargles, herbal teas, honey and lemon, apple cider vinegar, and other remedies. Sore throat, or pharyngitis, refers to pain, tenderness, or discomfort in the throat.