How to remove old rust stains from clothes

Effectively removing old rust stains from fabric is all about following the proper methodology and using the right stain removal products. Luckily, the best rust remover for laundry is often made up of ingredients that you already have lying around the house, like lemon juice, vinegar, or baking soda.


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Why Are Rust Stains So Hard to Treat?

Rust is created when metal oxidizes, or combines with oxygen. When a rusty object then comes in contact with any type of fabric, that rust will flake off or smear, transferring onto the fabric and creating a stain.

The longer rust is left untreated on any given fabric, the tougher it becomes to remove. Likewise, if you wash and dry rust-stained fabric before treating stains completely, the heat from your washing machine can set those stains into your item forever. Bleach can also set unwanted rust stains into fabric indefinitely. These limitations aside, removing rust stains is, in fact, totally possible.


Finding the Best Rust Remover for Laundry

The best rust remover for laundry combines some sort of acidic agent with an abrasive. The acidic component acts to dissolve the stain, while the abrasive ingredient helps to lift the stain remnants. The simplest combination to try first is lemon juice and salt.


To implement this stain removal method, lay your rust-stained item flat on top of a clean sheet, preferably out in the sunshine. Sprinkle salt on the stain and squirt lemon juice on top of the salt. Completely saturate the stained area. Then blot the area with a clean white towel. Let this solution dry on your garment. Remove the solution with warm water and repeat if the stain remains. Once the stain has completely disappeared, launder your item in your washing machine.


Cream of tartar is also a mild cleaning agent you can use to treat rust stains on clothing and fabric. Combine 1 teaspoon each of cream of tartar and baking soda with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to create a paste. Apply this paste to the rust stain and leave it alone for 30 minutes. Rinse off the paste and let the affected piece of clothing or fabric dry completely. If the stain still remains, repeat this process. Wash your item in the washing machine once the stain is completely gone.


If you're working with a rust stain on a natural fiber, like silk, that cannot go into the washing machine, once you've treated the stain with lemon juice and salt, rinse the treated area with warm water and lightly dab the silk with distilled white vinegar.

Protect Fabrics From Further Damage

Whichever method you choose to use on rust stains, you'll first want to test the solution on a less visible area of your garment. This will ensure that if the cleaning solution causes any unwanted discoloration, you can switch course before making matters worse.


Additionally, if rust stains are becoming a common problem for your wardrobe, examine potentially staining sources, like your water heater, washing machine, and dryer. All of these machines run the risk of developing rust and iron deposits over time, and this can unfortunately lead to rust stains on your clothing. Be sure to repair any problem areas before running any more rounds of laundry.

Some of the most challenging stains to remove from clothes are rust stains. They take a lot of time and patience, and unfortunately, sometimes it can be downright impossible. However, if you do happen to get a rust stain on your favorite garment, don’t panic. Here’s how to remove rust stains from clothes at home.

Several tips and techniques can help you get rid of rust stains from your clothes.A commercial rust remover that you can find in your local grocery store is both safe and effective to use on most fabric.

However, they also contain harsh chemicals that can be toxic to you and your family. If you want to remove rust stains from clothes naturally, here are the best home remedies for how to remove rust stains from fabric using everyday products.

How to remove old rust stains from clothes
How to remove old rust stains from clothes



Table Of Contents

  1. How to Get Rust Stains Out of Clothes
    • Apply Lemon Juice and Salt
    • Use White Vinegar
    • Use Cream of Tartar
  2. How to Remove Rust Stains from Colored Clothes
    • Utilize Rhubarb
  3. What Causes Rust Stains on Clothes?

How to Get Rust Stains Out of Clothes

Discoloration on your clothing as a result of rust stains can not only be pesky but can become permanent if you don’t quickly deal with it correctly.

It is imperative that you act fast if you want to get rid of rust stains from fabrics. These stain removal techniques will free your white fabric and other clothes of unsightly rust stains.

Apply Lemon Juice and Salt

The method for removing rust stains is safe for white clothing or unbleached fabrics, like linen. If you’re dealing with rust stains on delicate fabrics, like wool, rayon, leather, silk, or suede, it’s a good idea to take them to a dry cleaner.

You can also substitute lemon juice for white vinegar, which is especially helpful if the stain has been present for a while. Start by sprinkling the stain with the salt, then fully cover it with lemon juice. Allow the rust remover to sit for about ten minutes.

Use a clean white towel to blot the stain. Next, place the garment under a sheet, in the sun, to dry. Check the fabric every hour to make sure the lemon juice doesn’t bleach the material.

Leave in the sun for up to three hours, or until the stain has disappeared. Finally, thoroughly rinse the clothing in cold water, and wash as usual in the washing machine.

Use White Vinegar

White vinegar is rust’s worst enemy and one of the best rust stain removal remedies you can buy. When you act fast, it can eliminate even tough stains. This method also works exceptionally well for removing set in rust stains from clothes.

Start by laying the affected garment on a towel. Pour the vinegar over the stain until it is saturated. Use a clean white cloth or sponge and blot the stain and absorb the red discoloration. Next, place the clothing in direct sunlight to allow the rust stain to continue to fade.

Wash the item with your regular laundry detergent, following the manufacturer’s recommended settings. Allow it to air dry. If the stain hasn’t vanished entirely after the first treatment, then repeat the process until it disappears.

Use Cream of Tartar

Cream of tartar, also known by its scientific name, potassium bitartrate, is an acid salt that is a natural byproduct of winemaking. It’s acidic properties, and mildly abrasive qualities make it an excellent product for removing stains and general cleaning.

This method also works well for getting rust stains out of clothes like jeans,as it will remove rust without fading the fabric.


Cream of Tartar Stain Remover Recipe

  • 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • A few drops of hydrogen peroxide


Mix cream of tartar and baking soda in a small bowl. Add a few drops of the hydrogen peroxide, and mix to form a thick paste. Apply the spot removal paste directly to the stained area.

Let the stain remover sit for 30 minutes. Rinse the area with warm water, then wash as you normally would in the washing machine.

Check to see that the stain has gone before drying it. If it is still visible, repeat the process until it is gone. This method can also remove oil stain from fabric and is similar to tea stains, as well.

How to Remove Rust Stains from Colored Clothes

Utilize Rhubarb

While using rhubarb for rust removal isn’t a conventional method, it does offer a “green” solution for removing rust stains. This strategy is ideal for large stained areas that are too difficult to clean separately.

Add enough water to a large pot so that you can fully immerse the affected garment. Fill the pot ½ way full with water. Place the rhubarb stalks in the pot, and bring the water to a boil. Let the rhubarb cook for at least 20 minutes, then remove it from the pot, leaving the hot water.

Place the stained clothing into the rhubarb water and allow it to soak. Once the stain disappears, remove the garment and wash it as usual.

What Causes Rust Stains on Clothes?

When you get rust stains on your clothing, it is imperative to track down the source of the rust to prevent more stains from appearing on your garments. While rust stains from locks, corroded metal furniture, or cars are easy to track down, rust stains that appear in on your freshly laundered clothing can be more difficult to track.

If you frequently find rust stains on your freshly laundered clothes, it could be due to two problems. The first is that your water source contains iron bacteria, which can cause discoloration on your bathroom and kitchen fixtures, as well as on your laundry and dishes. Secondly, they could be a result of a rusty water heater, pipes, or storage container.

If the problem comes from the water source, there are several ways you can treat the water to eliminate the problem. If the stains are due to a water heater or pipes, then they should be replaced.

Unsightly rust stains on your favorite clothing can be especially challenging to treat. However, you don’t have to throw away your favorite shirts if you happen to find a spot of rust. With these tips and techniques, you can effectively remove even the toughest rust stains from your clothing.

How to remove old rust stains from clothes
How to remove old rust stains from clothes

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How do you get dried rust stains out of clothes?

If you've got rust on clothing it can be removed with either white vinegar or lemon juice..
Lay the clothing or fabric out on an old towel and pour a small amount of white vinegar directly on the stain - or rub a cut lemon half on the stain..
Saturate it thoroughly, then blot it with a clean white towel..

Does rust permanently stain clothes?

Rust stains are among the most challenging spots to remove from fabric, as they sometimes cannot be eliminated by regular laundering, and using chlorine bleach will make them permanent. Fortunately, most commercial rust removers are effective and safe for colorfast fabrics.

Does baking soda remove rust stains from clothes?

Cream of Tartar, Baking Soda, and Hydrogen Peroxide But combine it with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and you have a powerful homemade rust stain remover. The combined stain-removing power of natural bleaching agents and the acids in the cream of tartar will break down the rust and dissolve the stain.

What is the best rust remover for clothing?

The best rust remover.
The best overall: Evapo-Rust The Original Super Safe Rust Remover..
The best on a budget: Whink Rust Remover..
The best multipurpose: WD-40 Specialist Rust Remover Soak..
The best for household: Iron Out Spray Rust Stain Remover..
The best for heavy duty: Corroseal Water-Based Rust Converter Metal Primer..