How to see facebook story without being friends


If you are not friends with someone on Facebook, you may still check their timeline in a few different ways.

One method is to go to the individual’s profile on Facebook and then choose the “Photos” option from the menu that appears.

When you have navigated to the Photos tab, you will see a section labelled “Stories.”

If the user has contributed any tales, they will be presented in this section if they exist.


How am I supposed to understand a tale if we aren’t friends?

There are a few different angles from which one might see the history of another person even if they are not pals. The first step is to locate their profile and choose the “stories” button after you’ve done so. If they’ve posted anything, you’ll be able to see it in that section. You may also find them on Instagram and then see their tales by clicking the box that says “view stories.” If they’ve posted anything, you’ll be able to see it in that section.

Are you have to be friends with someone to access their snaps?

You do not need to be friends with someone to see their photographs. You will not, however, be able to see who else has watched the snap if you are not friends with the person who sent it.

Is it possible to tell a tale that just involves you?

You may, in fact, tell a tale that just involves you and no one else. To achieve this, first open the Stories screen, and then hit the plus sign button that’s located in the upper left corner of the screen. After that, choose Private, and then touch the OK button. Finally, give your tale a title, and when you’re through, hit the Done button.

How can one create a private tale that does not include any friends?

There is no one method that can be relied on to create a private tale that does not include adding friends. You may accomplish it in a number of ways, one of which is to make a new account that is anonymous and then add the new account as a friend to the individuals with whom you wish to share the tale. Because of this, you will be able to tell the narrative without disclosing your identify to the audience.

Is it possible to read the Instagram story of another user without them being aware?

It is possible to read the Instagram story of another user without them being aware of it. To do this, first open the tale, and then touch on the three dots that are located in the lower right corner of the screen. From the menu that displays, choose the option to “see profile.”

How exactly can you find out what private tales you’re going to be in the year 2021?

You are able to see the private tales that you are a part of by heading to your profile and selecting “Stories” from the menu on the left-hand side of the page. It will indicate that if you are not a part of any private tales “Not any stories just yet.

How will other Snapchat users be able to see my story?

There are a few different approaches you may take in order to make your Snapchat story accessible to folks who aren’t currently following you on the app. The first thing you may do is take a snapshot of your narrative and send it to them in the form of a photo message. One other option is to publish your narrative on a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter and then send the link to all of your close associates.

What are the steps to making a private tale on my story?

Open the narrative to which you would want to add the private tale first before beginning the process of creating a private story on your story. After tapping the three lines in the upper left corner of the screen, choose “Add Story” from the menu that appears. After giving your tale a title, go to the privacy options and choose “Private.” Press the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the screen, and then tap to send an invitation to others to see your private narrative “Share.

How does the story function on Snapchat?

The Snapchat story feature enables users to post a sequence of photographs and videos to the app, which can then be seen by their friends. Your friends will only be able to read your tale for up to 24 hours, and after that time, any photos or videos you included in your story will be deleted.

Is it possible to see a person’s SNAP score even if you are not friends with them in 2021?

You do not need to be friends with someone in order to see their SNAP score in 2021. A user’s level of involvement on Snapchat may be measured by looking at their SNAP score, which is a number that is made accessible to the public.

How to see facebook story without being friends

Facebook has proved valuable for friends who want to connect with their peers and stay informed on trending stories.

The drawback with Facebook is that when one posts a story, they can know all those that view it. But still, you can view the stories anonymously if you know the tricks of doing so.

If you don’t know what to do, don’t worry because this post will explain it in clear steps.

There are various ways of viewing Facebook stories without the owner knowing you did. The various ways include using your device while in airplane mode, partially watching the story, deactivating your Facebook account, or blocking the owner’s account. This guide has explained the steps for each way, enabling you to achieve your aim quickly.

Viewing someone’s Facebook story without them knowing is not hard provided you know the steps. This post will explain the various ways of viewing a Facebook story without the owner knowing and the steps involved. If you are excited to discover these new tricks, let’s dive in!

5 Simple Ways to Watch Someone’s Facebook Story Anonymously

Here are the five methods you can use to view someone’s Facebook Stories without them knowing.

Method #1: Use Airplane Mode

Viewing a Facebook story while your device is in airplane mode is the simplest trick of viewing a Facebook story without recognition.

Once you enable airplane mode, you will be disconnected from the internet, and Facebook will be unable to capture your account as one of the viewers.

This method is easy, and the steps involved include the following:

  1. Open Facebook. Use your credentials to log into the account.
  2. Navigate to the Facebook homepage and let the stories of different people show up on top of the home page.
  3. Turn on the airplane mode of your device. 
  4. Navigate back to your Facebook account and start viewing the stories.

Once you are done viewing the Facebook stories, you close the Facebook application to avoid running in background mode when you go back online.

Moreover, if you discover some stories are not loading, you need to go back online to load them and enable airplane mode after a short while.

Method #2: View a Story Partially

You can view a story and swipe halfway to stop watching it if you want to keep your identity anonymous. Unfortunately, the method does not allow you to view the entire story, but your identity will not be disclosed to the owner.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Facebook application on your device.
  2. Open the Facebook stories.
  3. Start viewing a story and swipe to the right or left before it is finished.

Ensure you swipe the story before it finishes showing it. That way, Facebook will not capture your account as one of the viewers.

Method #3: Block Someone

The blocking method involves removing a person completely from your friends’ list. Thus, it is good to try it only when you are sure you are okay with losing one of your friends.

Moreover, it is better because it allows you to watch a certain story completely, and you will not be captured as one of the viewers.

  1. Launch Facebook and log in using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the story you wish to view and view it.
  3. After viewing the story, block that person.

Once you block that person, you will not be listed as one of the viewers. You can unblock that person later, but ensure 24 hours have ended before unblocking them.

Method #4: Ask Another Friend to Send You the Story

If you have another friend who has access to that story, you can request them to share it.

This method is suitable, especially when the story is an image rather than a video.

If you click on it and view it using Messenger, you will be included in the viewers’ list. Thus, it is advisable to take a screenshot and view it entirely without the owners knowing.

Method #5: Deactivate Your Account

Deactivating your Facebook account is the extreme method of ensuring you don’t appear on the viewers’ list, but it is worth trying to stay anonymous.

You need to deactivate your account and reactivate it after a while.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch your Facebook application from your device.
  2. Navigate to Facebook stories and select the one you wish to view.
  3. Select the three dots icon on the top right.
  4. Navigate to “Settings and Privacy” and select the “Privacy Shortcuts” option.
  5. Navigate to the “Delete Your Account” option and select the “Deactivate” option.

After 24 hours, you can reactivate your account, and no one will notice you viewed their story.


If you are stuck on how to watch a Facebook story without the owner knowing, this post got you covered.

Asking your friend to send you the story is the easiest way, but this can be possible if you have a friend that can access that story.

Moreover, you can try the other ways explained in this post and view a story anonymously without many hassles.

Can you view story on Facebook without being friends?

Public: Your Facebook friends, followers and people you've chatted with on Messenger will see your stories. Anyone who follows you can see your story, but only people you're friends with can reply. Friends: Only your Facebook friends will see your story on Facebook and the Messenger app.

How can I view a Facebook story anonymously?

Here're 3 ways to view Facebook Stories anonymously..
Way 1. Turn on Airphone Mode. When your phone is in the airphone mode, it won't be connected to the Internet. ... .
Way 2. Half Swiping. The second way to view Facebook Stories anonymously is to stop watching the story halfway through. ... .
Way 3. Deactivate Your Facebook Account..

Can you see stories if not friends?

The visibility of Instagram story depends on the privacy settings of the users' account: For private accounts: Only approved followers can see the story. For public accounts: Anyone (following or not following) on Instagram can see the story.