Laser lipo for male breast reduction

Laser lipo for male breast reduction

Gynecomastia refers to the swelling of the breast tissue in men. The result of hormonal imbalances or factors such as aging, weight gain and the use of certain medications, the condition can affect one or both breasts. It often causes emotional distress and embarrassment. Fortunately, gynecomastia treatment using Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction is proving to be an effective solution for this aesthetic concern. Available in established plastic surgery facilities in NYC, the procedure involves removing the excess fat and tissue to create a flatter, firmer chest.

The Smartlipo Triplex workstation comes with a small cannula with three powerful lasers. The plastic surgeon delivers laser energy to target and melt the unwanted fat, which allows it to be easily removed. As the procedure is minimally invasive, it requires only small incisions. The treatment also coagulates tissue and tightens the skin. It is performed under local anesthesia and side effects such as bleeding and swelling are minimal. Downtime and recovery are also short. The intelligent features of the device allow targeted delivery of energy and prevent overtreatment.

After a successful procedure, you will no longer have to hide your chest or hesitate to go shirtless when you’re on the beach. This will help improve your confidence and self-esteem.

As with all cosmetic surgical procedures, it’s important that you find a NYC surgeon who is experienced in performing male breast reduction using laser liposuction. A reliable surgeon will first determine the reason for the breast enlargement and confirm that it can be resolved with lipolysis. Gynecomastia is common in teenagers and often resolves on its own. So the surgeon will make sure that surgery necessary before going ahead.

If you are found to be a suitable candidate, the surgeon will determine the right techniques that can provide optimal results. Though the surgery can be performed safely on adults and boys who are in relatively good health, it is best to wait till you have reached adulthood. Following pre- and post-surgical instructions will help prepare your body for the surgery and speed up healing after the treatment.

Laser lipo for male breast reduction

Vaser fat removal methods are available at Skin Medical as they provide considerable advantage over traditional liposuction.

vaser lipo for male breast reduction (male chest)

Oversized male breasts are surprisingly common. It is estimated that gynaecomastia (the clinical term for this condition) appears in more than 40% of the male population over 21 years old.

Male breast reduction is currently our most popular treatment area for Vaser.

Fat that collects around the male breast can appear naturally in men and is often a genetic condition that no amount of dieting or exercise will remove. Gynaecomastia can cause embarrassment and can lead to a lack of confidence at any age. Enlarged male breasts will also affect many men’s quality of life as they tend to avoid sporting activities that would expose their chest. Relationships can also suffer or be restricted through lack of confidence.

Skin Medical are pleased to report that we have treated many clients with this condition, many of who have had significant male breast reduction using Vaser lipo.

Laser lipo for male breast reduction

Advantages of Male Breast Reduction using vaser lipo:

✔ Fat cells treated are permanently destroyed.

✔ Skin tightening and shrinkage means that there will be no loose skin following the fat removal.

✔ The Vaser procedure is performed under local anaesthetic rather than general meaning that patients do not have to have an overnight stay in the clinic.

✔ Only 48 hours of downtime.

✔ Minimally invasive treatment means that there is less chance of adverse side effects associated with surgery.

✔ Minimal pain which can easily be controlled using over-the-counter pain relief.

✔ Results appear gradually. Post-surgery appearance is consistent with normal dieting and exercise efforts.

✔ Costs are less than half of those associated with traditional cosmetic surgery.


The Vaser lipo procedure for male breast reduction is similar to that on other areas of the body. After administering a local anaesthetic to the breast, keyhole incisions (that do not require any stitches) are made adjacent to the breast. These incisions allow the probe to pass through the fatty issues, melting the fat as it is activated by the surgeon.

Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the procedure time is generally between 1.5 to 2 hours.

With the Vaser lipo we will only target the fat cells; all gland tissue will remain intact. Immediately after the procedure there will be a noticeable change in the shape of the breasts as the solid fat structure has been melted into a liquid form and sucked out. Over the following weeks there will be a further reduction and improvement of the breast shape as any residual fat is discharged by the body’s natural excretion processes. The fat cells targeted are permanently destroyed and will not rebuild.

The skin tissue that existed before the procedure contracts to follow the new shape of the chest. These effects mean that the chest becomes firmer and more masculine. You can see examples of before and after photos in our vaser gallery.

There is little downtime associated with Vaser lipo and patients can go back to work shortly after having the procedure. We usually advise 48 hours of downtime. We ask that patients avoid heavy lifting and exercise for the next ten days or so to avoid any unnecessary risk, and strenuous physical activity should be avoided for up to 8 weeks after the procedure. You will be advised further on this during consultation and your follow-up procedure.


The first step to getting your male breast reduction will be to arrange a consultation with a clinician. It is important to know that at Skin Medical we do not employ sales persons and none of our staff have targets or are remunerated by results. A recent Which? report advised people to avoid clinics that employed sales persons as they did not always receive impartial advice.

At the consultation we will assess your medical history, explain the male breast reduction procedure using Vaser lipo and assess your condition. We will be frank and impartial with our assessment and give our opinion as to the results to be expected.

It should be noted that Vaser lipo is not a weight loss solution for persons classified as obese, but a procedure ideal for body contouring without surgery.

If you are troubled by gynaecomastia and are looking for a flatter, firmer, more contoured figure ring Manchester 0161 839 7663 or Leeds 01133 230 735 to make an appointment or book online using our 24/7 online booking facility.

Can you reduce male breast size without surgery?

Weight loss, dieting, and exercising can reduce body fat, which may also decrease the size of male breasts. Some men with gynecomastia who rely on these non-surgical treatments may see the changes they desire.

How much does it cost to remove breast fat for men?

The total cost depends on your case but most male breast reduction surgeries cost between $6400 – $8500.

Does liposuction get rid of moobs?

Liposuction alone will remove the excess fat and correct the Gynecomastia. This can be done either by regular Tumescent Liposuction or Vaser Liposuction. Your Surgeon will recommend whichever technique they feel will give you the better result.

Can a male get breast reduction?

Also known as male breast reduction, gynecomastia surgery removes excess fat in the chest as well as problematic glandular tissue. It can also reduce the size of the areolas and nipples. The goal of the surgery is to make the chest flatter, firmer and more traditionally masculine.