Locksmith that makes car keys near me

It’s amazing how much we depend on our cars in our day-to-day lives. Many of us could not even get to work without our cars. This is why losing your car key or breaking your key off in the ignition or lock can seem like a nightmare. This is especially stressful if you don’t have an extra key. If this happens to you, don’t panic. Believe it or not, it is possible to have a copy of your car key made without the original.

What Kind of Replacement Key Will You Need?

If you find yourself in a position where you must have a car key made, your first step is to determine what kind of key you will need. If you own a car from 1981 or earlier, you may just need a simple key cut from a standard key block.

Newer-model cars have cut keys called transponder keys. These keys include programmed chips as safety features. Even if a transponder key was cut, it still would not turn on the car without the proper programming. A third kind of car key is a smart key. Smart keys act as a remote and are not like traditional keys at all. These resemble an attached key fob and do not require the traditional means of turning the ignition.

Don’t Have the Original Key?

You can still acquire a replacement key if you have lost the original. You may have the option of returning to the dealer to obtain a replacement, however, this can be very expensive, especially if you need your vehicle to be towed to your dealership’s location. A more affordable option is to enlist the services of an auto locksmith. In fact, many dealers utilize the services of outside locksmiths for replacement keys and many locksmiths can cut and program the exact same key for about 50% less cost than a dealership.

An experienced locksmith will be able to make a replacement key for you even if you do not have the original. When you contact a locksmith, you will need to supply some information to the company before your key can be replaced.

What Will Your Locksmith Will Need to Know?

You will need to be able to identify the year, make and model of your car. You will also need to prove ownership of the vehicle, so have your registration or title handy. The vehicle identification number is more commonly known as the VIN number, and your locksmith will need to know this as well.

The VIN number can be found either on driver’s side doorpost or stamped on a metal plate on the driver’s side dashboard. Your key identification number is also an important item to have, and this can usually be found in your car manual; however is not always required information. Let your locksmith know if you believe that your keys have been stolen. If this is the case, he or she will need to reprogram your car in such a way that the old keys will no longer work.

Do You Need to Worry About a Tow?

If you require an emergency locksmith to travel to you, make sure that you can provide the address or cross streets of your location. Our locksmith will utilize the newest technology to cut your new key and program your key or smart key on the spot. It doesn’t matter where you are or the type of vehicle you need help with. The services of a skilled professional also extend to keys for scooters, trucks, vans, caravans, and motorcycles.

The loss or damage of your only car key is a stressful situation. Pop-A-Lock Locksmiths of Phoenix can help you handle your emergency efficiently. Our professionals are trained to handle nearly all car models, so you can be assured that your vehicle is in excellent hands. Rest assured, your key will be replaced and no damage will be done to your car in the process. There’s never a bad time to contact us; we are open 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

You’re ready to go; there’s just one problem: You can’t find your keys. If you’re in this situation, it can be frustrating and annoying. You might wonder, “Can I get a car key without the original?”

Here’s how to get a replacement car key when you’re locked out of your car and don’t have the original key.

Locksmith that makes car keys near me

Check your local dealership

You can get a replacement car key at the car dealer where you purchased your car.

Unfortunately, a replacement car key at a dealership can be pricey. Often, car dealers charge a premium for the service and may outsource this work to a locksmith. You can also consider going to a locksmith yourself.

Head to a locksmith

You can replace your lost car key at a locksmith, even if you don’t have the original key. Going straight to a locksmith may be more cost-effective than going to your car dealer, but you’ll need some information to make the process easier.

Gather your information

To get a replacement key from a locksmith, you’ll want to have the following information ready: 

  • Make of the car
  • Model of the car
  • Year
  • Car registration
  • Title 
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)

The information will help the locksmith identify what type of key your car needs. You can find your car’s VIN on the dashboard on the driver’s side or the driver’s door. 
You’ll also need this information to prove that you’re the owner of the car. Before the locksmith gets started, they will need to ensure you’re the rightful owner of the vehicle.

Locksmith that makes car keys near me

Understand what type of car key you need

Different cars require different types of car keys. Often, the type of car key you need comes down to the year your vehicle was made.

If your car was manufactured before 1981, you can likely get a standard key at a locksmith or, in some cases, a hardware store. Older vehicles generally don’t have specialized electronic components, such as transponders or chips.

Vehicles made after 1981 generally have more advanced technology. A locksmith may need to create a transponder key. In this case, going to an automotive locksmith or your dealer will be your best bet.

If you have a newer car, or your original car key was a key fob, you may need a smart key replacement. Key fobs communicate with your vehicle’s ignition and need to be close by to start your car. If you need a replacement, you’ll need to buy a new fob at your car dealership or an automotive store to get one programmed.

Go to an automotive locksmith

Getting a replacement key at your car dealership can work, but you could pay a lot more than if you had gone to an automotive locksmith.

An automotive locksmith can create a new key that works with your specific vehicle. On top of that, an automotive locksmith may be able to program your replacement key fob if that’s the issue.

Costs of replacing a car key

If you need a replacement car key, it’s going to cost some money. If you have an older car, you can replace your car key for $3 to $7. 

A new key can be more expensive if you have a newer car with an electronic key or another specialized car key. Replacement car keys with chips, transponders, or fobs can cost up to $250, depending on your area and labor costs.

The bottom line

If you lost your car key and don’t have the original, visiting an automotive locksmith may be an affordable option.

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Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.

Can AutoZone program car keys?

If you have a newer vehicle that uses a transponder key (identified by a black plastic key-head), AutoZone can hook you up with a key and program it for your car at a fraction of the cost of a dealership.

Does AutoZone make car key copies?

No appointments are necessary and we offer keys for a wide range of vehicles including Chrysler Ford GM Nissan Toyota and more. The keys are duplicated accurately and the cuts are digitally verified before you leave the store. So why stress out about having only one car key when AutoZone is key.

How can I get another key for my car?

Traditional Car Key If you lose it: You could call a locksmith, who can come and make you a new key on the spot. In some cases—an unusual or older vehicle—a locksmith may not be able to help. You might need to buy a new ignition lock cylinder and key from the dealer or an independent repair shop.

Can I get a key made from the VIN number?

Most vehicles in the United States from 1990 and up have key codes that are saved on file with the manufactures. As long as you can prove ownership of your vehicle a car key can be made with the Vehicle Identification Number aka VIN number. Once a key code is pulled from the VIN number a car key can be cut.