Peoples community clinic center for womens health

People’s Community Clinic Saves Lives  

People’s Community Clinic is a community health center dedicated to improving the health of underserved and uninsured Central Texans by providing high-quality, affordable healthcare. The organization was founded in 1970 through the volunteer work of visionary doctors and nurses who recognized a need for quality, affordable healthcare.

We had the opportunity to speak with People’s CEO, Regina Rogoff, who joined the clinic in 2003. In 2004, the organization received its first grant from Austin Community Foundation and have shared a close relationship and a common goal of bettering the community ever since.

Peoples community clinic center for womens health

“What we do here is really life changing.”

People’s Community Clinic has centered its work on helping the area’s most vulnerable populations and has received grants from the Hispanic Impact Fund as well as the Women’s Fund several times, due to their dedication to these specific communities. Eighty-four percent of the organization’s patients are Hispanic/Latino, and People’s is dedicated to uplifting the dignity and welfare of patients that would not have the resources to seek treatment otherwise.

The clinic has a Center for Women’s Health, devoted to serving women and their needs. In 2022, the clinic offered tubal ligations in response to patients requesting this procedure as one of their reproductive choices. People’s is also proud to offer education services as one of its core values, emphasizing clear and accurate information and allowing patients to guide their own care.

Beyond offering high-quality medical services on a sliding scale, People’s is involved in some of the most groundbreaking studies in pediatric care and early brain development in the country. With this research, People’s Community Clinic is enhancing children’s wellness visits as well as giving parents and caregivers better parenting tools to strengthen family relationships in the long term.

Other innovative programs at the clinic include identifying biomarkers of stress so that, over time, healthcare providers can decipher adverse childhood experiences or ‘tells’ that inform doctors about negative health outcomes in the future of young patients. This groundbreaking work is being done simultaneously as the clinic is operating, making it incredibly important to have sufficient funds, not just for the present but for the future.

“We don’t aspire to be the biggest, we aspire to be the best and to do the most interesting and cutting-edge work.”

To help ensure that organizations like People’s Community Clinic can continue innovating and supporting the health and wellness of our community members, consider making a donation to our community impact programs today.

Learn more about People’s Community Clinic here.

Patient Eligibility

Clinic works with patients who have little access to care without our support. Goal is to provide care to those persons in our community who are uninsured and have limited funds to support the purchase of medical care–those for whom the choice is sometimes medication for a life-challenging condition or food for their family.

Eligibility guidelines for patients that include county residency, lack of insurance, and income guidelines. The requirements are slightly different for the different programs. Please see the detailed information below.

Required Documentation

All patients are required to provide below documentation

  • Photo identification–something that has the patient’s name and photo–can be a driver’s license, passport, school ID, work ID, state ID, etc.
  • Proof of county residency–documentation that shows the patient lives in the county served–can be a driver’s license, lease, piece of “official” mail to a county-residence
  • Proof of household income–if patient is working, then one month worth of pay stubs; if patient is collecting unemployment or social security or food stamps, then proof of income either by statement from bank or government agency

Peoples community clinic center for womens health

Peoples community clinic center for womens health

Free Prescription Discount Card

  • No registration required.
  • Everyone is eligible.
  • Get discount up to 80%.
  • Card can be used for person with Insurance or without insurance for discount.
  • Never expires.
  • Ready for immediate.
  • No activation required.
  • Prescription Coupon

COVID-19 Information For Patients

Contact your healthcare provider by phone before coming to a clinic or hospital if you meet the following criteria:

  • Symptoms such as muscle or body aches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose.
  • Contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 within 14 days of onset of systems.
  • Symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, fatigue, headache

Mild Covid Symptoms

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Low-grade fever (approx 100 degrees Fahrenheit for adults)
  • Mild body aches
  • Mild, dry cough

Moderate Covid Symptoms

  • Fever above 100.4 F
  • Temporary shortness of breath when you exert yourself
  • Persistent cough
  • Exhaustion, need to stay in bed

Severe Covid Symptoms

  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • Constant trouble breathing
  • Trouble staying awake
  • Confusion
  • Blue lips or face

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)

Are free clinics really free?

There are 1400 free clinics that do not charge anything. However, most “free clinics” operate using a sliding scale for payment so you may pay a small fee for care depending on your income.

Can free clinics write prescriptions?

Yes, Free clinics use a licensed doctor, who can write prescriptions.

Who qualifies for free dental services?

Eligibility criteria for each free or low cost dental clinics varies. You are probably eligible for oral dental health if you are uninsured and fall into low income family guideline by federal government.

Do I need an appointment to be seen at the free clinics?

Yes, Most free clinics only see patients with appointments but there are few free urgent care who takes walk-ins.

I am an undocumented person. Will the free clinic see me?

Depends on clinics, Some clinics require you to be a legal resident but most of them don't. They just need your residency proof.

How does the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) affect the Free Clinic?

Even after obama care there are 29 millions uninsured people in the US, so if you don't have any insurance then it does not affect free clinics.

Is the Clinic staffed with licensed health professionals?

Yes, all of medical staff is licensed with the State and are covered under the one or other federal insurance.

How much is a doctor visit without insurance

Without insurance, the cost of going to a doctor typically ranges from $100 to $400. This price will vary depending on whether you see a specialist, if lab tests are completed, and if any procedures are done

How do I get free healthcare?

Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans, including some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

If I don't qualify for free care or sliding scale, based on my income, how much do I have to pay for dental services?

The cost of dental services varies from State to State, and, from one Clinic to another, you will find that the prices vary depending on the State and the clinic.

Can I schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment with a Clinic through your website?

No. We do not have direct contact with any of the Clinics listed on our website, we only provide the locations with the clinics and/or Community Health Centers contact information, you must call them directly.

Peoples community clinic center for womens health

Peoples community clinic center for womens health

Free Prescription Discount Card

  • No registration required.
  • Everyone is eligible.
  • Get discount up to 80%.
  • Card can be used for person with Insurance or without insurance for discount.
  • Never expires.
  • Ready for immediate.
  • No activation required.
  • Prescription Coupon