Right side pain under ribs towards back

Trained in dentistry, Sree is currently studying lab sciences. She enjoys researching various health topics and writing about her findings.

Do you have right-side back or rib pain?

Do you have right-side back or rib pain?

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

When to Be Concerned About Your Pain

Abdominal pain can be caused by many different issues. Some are very serious and many are not so much. How do you know if your pain is worth seeing a doctor about? According to Dr. Rob Lamberts, you should see a doctor if:

  • Your pain wakes you up or stops you in your tracks. Severe pain is always a cause for concern.
  • It lasts for 10 minutes or longer. This is more worrisome than intermittent pain.
  • Your pain gets worse if you move or push on the tender area.
  • You don't want to eat. This could be a sign that something is wrong with your digestive system.
  • You're vomiting so much that you can't keep anything down to replace the fluids that you've lost.
  • You're having bloody bowel movements and abdominal pain.

You Probably Don't Need to Worry If

  • The pain is mild.
  • It doesn't get worse if you move or press on it.
  • You still want to eat.
  • You can function as normal.

That said, it's always better to see a doctor and find out it isn't serious than the opposite. Some groups are more susceptible to abdominal problems, like women (because of their more complicated abdominal anatomy), the elderly, and the immuno-suppressed. In these cases, you should be even more cautious.

See Your Doctor Immediately If You Are Having Severe Pain

The most common culprits of severe pain on the right side are gallbladder issues and appendicitis. Gallbladder issues can be felt in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, and appendicitis can be felt in the lower right quadrant. Both of these warrant immediate medical attention. This article is not intended to diagnose or treat any problem and does not replace professional medical advice.

Possible Causes of Pain on Your Right Side, Ribs, or Back

CauseLocation and Type of PainSome Other SymptomsTreatment and What to Do


Dull pain that starts around the naval and becomes more severe as it moves to the lower right abdomen

Loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, fever of 100–101

Surgery — this is a medical emergency

Gallbladder problems such as gallstones, biliary colic, or inflammation

Pain in the upper right abdomen that can radiate to shoulder or back — pain can vary in intensity

Nausea, vomiting, jaundice

Depends on the underlying condition — if pain is severe, see doctor immediately

Side Stitch

Sharp stabbing pain below the ribs

Usually occurs during physical activity

They usually go away on their own


Severe pain located above the belly button

Abdominal pain that feels worse after eating, fever, nausea, tenderness when touching abdomen

Some cases go away by themselves. If you have persistent or severe pain, see a doctor.

Broken or bruised rib, usually caused by some kind of blunt trauma

Pain in the rib cage that will vary depending on the intensity of the injury

Hurts when you press it, when you breathe deeply, or when you twist

If there's a chance you broke a rib, see a doctor

Pulled abdominal muscle — usually the result of exercise or physical activity

Pain in the abdomen that worsens when you move, sudden spasms or cramping

Stiffness or weakness, difficulty walking, bending, or standing straight

Rest, compress, apply ice and heat, and use OTC pain-killers

Acute hepatitis

Pain located under rib cage in upper right quadrant or in abdomen

Severity can vary. Some people have no symptoms. Others have poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, fever, and jaundice

See a doctor


Pain in the lower abdomen especially when you're bending over or lifting something

Weakness, pressure, or feeling of heaviness in abdomen, bulge in abdomen

Treatment varies; see a doctor

Crohn's Disease


Diarrhea, mouth sores, fever and fatigue

See a doctor

Acid Reflux

Burning sensation or discomfort in upper abdomen and chest

Burping, regurgitation, abdominal discomfort

LIfestyle changes and antacids can usually help symptoms of acid reflux

Ectopic Pregnancy (only in women)

Sharp or stabbing pain in pelvis, either side of lower abdomen, or even shoulder or neck

Some people have no symptoms. Others have vaginal bleeding, gastrointestinal symptoms, or weakness, dizziness, or fainting

See a doctor

Where is everything located in your abdomen?

Where is everything located in your abdomen?

Common Causes of Pain on the Right Side, Under the Ribs, and in the Back

As mentioned above, there are many possible reasons why you might be feeling severe pain on your right side, which is why a medical expert's diagnosis is essential to effectively treat it. Here are some of those conditions in more detail:

1. Appendicitis

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a four-inch-long pouch of human tissue that is attached to the outer surface of the colon. It is located where the small and large intestines meet at the lower right side of the abdomen.

According to Healthline, when the appendix is inflamed, you will experience a dull pain that starts around the midsection and then moves to the lower right abdomen. In time, the infection can set off the appendix and cause a rupture. This causes severe pain in the area. In this case, surgery to remove the appendix should be performed as soon as possible to prevent the injury from becoming fatal.

Symptoms of Appendicitis:

  • Abdominal pain that starts with dull aching in the middle of the abdomen that gradually becomes more severe and becomes located in the lower right abdomen
  • Some people will experience lower back or pelvic pain
  • Mild fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

You should see a doctor immediately if you think you are having symptoms of appendicitis as the condition can be serious.

2. Cracked or Fractured Ribs

If you've experienced some kind of blunt trauma to your ribs through a fall, sporting event, or a car accident, it's possible that you've injured your ribs. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should see a doctor if you have a very tender spot in the rib area or if you have trouble or pain with breathing after experiencing some kind of trauma.

3. Muscle Strain

Muscle strain can also cause right side and rib pain, especially in individuals who are working on their core muscles. Pain from muscle strain is not typically concentrated only under the ribcage but usually extends to other parts of the body as well. Additional symptoms include tenderness of the muscles in the abdomen.

Muscle strain is treatable at home using ice and compression as well as rest and over-the-counter pain medications.

4. Liver Problems

Pain on the right side of the body due to liver pain is less common than gallbladder issues, however, it is possible that a condition like acute hepatitis might cause you to feel pain on the right side of your body under your rib cage (this is where the liver is located).

The liver itself does not have any nerve endings, but problems with it may cause pain in the surrounding organs and general discomfort in your abdomen. Damage to this organ may be caused by trauma or some health condition such as one of the hepatitis viruses, excessive alcohol consumption, or cirrhosis.

Symptoms of acute hepatitis will vary depending on what strain of virus is causing your symptoms, but they may include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Joint pain
  • Dark urine
  • Jaundice

Your doctor or a liver specialist will have to make the diagnosis to find out

5. Gallstones or Gallbladder Issues

The gallbladder is situated near the liver and can, if afflicted, trigger pain on the right side of the abdomen. There are many gallbladder issues that might cause discomfort but the most common is gallstones. Gallstones can get stuck along the passageway, causing swelling and pain. They make it impossible for the gallbladder to perform its function properly.

Symptoms of gallbladder problems can include:

  • Sudden and quickly increasing pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen or in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone
  • Back pain between your shoulder blades
  • Pain in the right shoulder
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tenderness in the abdomen when it's touched

You should see a doctor if you're having some of these symptoms. It's possible you may need surgery.

6. Hernia

According to Healthline, a hernia happens when an organ pushes through the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. There are several different kinds of hernias, and some patients have reported symptoms localized on the right side of the body. You'll need to see a doctor in order to confirm you have a hernia and they will give you instructions on what you should do next.

Symptoms of a hernia include (depending on the type):

  • Bulge or lump where the hernia is (this is the most common symptom)
  • Pain or discomfort in the area where the hernia is, especially when coughing, bending over, or lifting something heavy
  • Weakness, pressure, or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen
  • Acid reflux
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty swallowing

Some characteristics or actions can increase your risk for a hernia, such as being pregnant, constipated, overweight, lifting heavy weights, suddenly gaining weight, and/or persistently coughing or sneezing.

7. Crohn's Disease

Crohn's is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that affects the body's digestion of food. When afflicted with Crohn's, the body mistakenly attacks "good" bacteria in the digestive tract. Any part of the gastrointestinal tract (which consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum and anus) may be inflamed when one is suffering from this condition.

The disease can be genetic or caused by a weakened immune system. Some experts suggest that when it comes to the colon, it can be triggered by bacteria along the walls which are not properly eradicated due to a lack of fiber in the diet.

Common symptoms of this disease are:

  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Loose bowel movements
  • Loss of weight
  • Lethargy
  • Fever and fatigue
  • Mouth sores

Your doctor will have to diagnose you with Crohn's disease through a series of tests.

8. Heartburn or Acid Reflux

Heartburn (also known as acid reflux) takes place when the esophageal sphincter (the hole that connects the esophagus and the stomach) does not immediately close when food passes through it. Because the sphincter is open longer than usual, stomach acid will then puff up to the esophagus causing heartburn, sore throat, or pain in the upper chest.

Symptoms include:

  • Burning feeling in the chest behind the breastbone after meals that lasts up to several hours
  • Burning in throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Nausea
  • Regurgitation

9. Ectopic Pregnancy

Another possible cause of right side pain is ectopic pregnancy. This condition occurs when the mature zygote or embryo develops outside the mother's uterus inside the fallopian tube. This is usually diagnosed during the first eight weeks of pregnancy. The intensity of pain, as well as symptoms, varies from patient to patient.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Normal signs of pregnancy like a missed period, sore breasts, fatigue, nausea, or increased urination
  • Heavy or severe vaginal bleeding 6–8 weeks into pregnancy
  • Belly or pelvic pain, usually 6–8 weeks after the missed period. This might worsen with movement or occur sharply on one side at first and then spread
  • Pain with intercourse or during a pelvic exam

There are several treatment options available. Talk to your doctor about how to resolve an ectopic pregnancy.


If your pain is severe, getting worse, persistent, or tender to the touch, see your doctor as soon as you can. Do not wait for the pain to become more severe. Delaying medication or treatment could worsen the underlying condition if it is not identified at once.

Before You See Your Doctor

Prior to talking with your doctor, it’s important to understand your symptoms so you can give them as much information as possible.

For example, when exactly did the problem start, what kind of pain is it, and where is the center of the pain? It's also important to note if the pain worsens or lessens during particular activities or at particular times of the day. For example, does it hurt when you bend over or get worse after you eat?

Knowing and verbalizing your personal observations about your pain—when, where, and what kind you're feeling—will help your doctor diagnose the problem. If possible, make a list of your symptoms that you can have on hand at your appointment so you don't leave anything out.

At Your Doctor's Appointment

While at the doctor's, explain thoroughly the kind of pain that you are feeling and its exact location in your body. This will help your doctor ask better questions and determine the right tests you need.

If the pain came from an injury or accident, you might need an X-ray. If there are any atypical lumps or swellings, you might need an MRI

You may also need blood tests, urinalysis, or other kinds of tests.


Possible Tests Your Doctor May Order

In order to find the underlying source of the pain, you will likely need to take some tests. The following are some of the most common tests used to reach a diagnosis:

  • Physical Examination: Your abdomen will be thoroughly looked at and you'll be asked a series of questions. The doctor will also ask you about other symptoms. It is common for doctors to feel the tender area to determine whether it is simply a strained muscle or if it is caused by a more serious condition.
  • X-Ray, CAT Scan, etc: Running these tests can help doctors assess the bones, organs, and other parts of the body. Any fractures or tumors can be easily seen, allowing doctors to make a diagnosis and offer treatment options immediately.
  • Bloodwork: The doctor will take samples of your blood and run a series of tests.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): As mentioned above, this is used by doctors to have a more in-depth look at the extent of the injury or condition. An MRI allows doctors to see soft body tissues that X-rays cannot.

Treatment for Pain Under the Ribs

Treatment will depend on the underlying condition. Some of the most common treatments include:

  • Medication: It's possible that pain medication or antibiotics will be offered for rib pain to help treat the underlying illness, if applicable. Pain killers are often prescribed for trauma cases where the ribs are cracked, bruised, or fractured.
  • Rest: For cases of physical trauma, rest and relaxation are crucial to help the ribs heal. Strenuous movement only taxes the bones, possibly causing further damage to the ribs. Doctors may even attach a device that minimizes movement for the patient, therefore giving the ribs time to heal.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery might be necessary. However, this is a worst-case scenario and is only recommended by doctors if no other option is available.

I hope this article has been useful for you. You should now have a clear idea of what next steps you'll need to take.

Sources Used

  • "Crohn's Disease - Topic Overview." (n.d.) WebMD. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • DerSarkassian, Carol. Appendicitis. January 26, 2017. WebMD. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • "Broken Ribs." (n.d.) Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • "Ectopic Pregnancy." September 7, 2016. American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • "Gallstones." (n.d.) Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • Wint, Carmella and Valencia Higuera. "Hernia." October 20, 2015. HealthLine. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • Hiskey, Daven. "What Causes the Pain in Your Side You May Occasionally Feel While Running." June 7, 2017. Today I Found Out. Retrieved March 15th, 2017.
  • "Heartburn." (n.d.) MayoClinic. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • Lamberts, Rob, MD. "When to Worry About Abdominal Pain." August 30, 2016. QuickandDirtyTips.com. Retrieved March 15th, 2017.
  • Lonneman, Kelsey. "Know the Difference: Abdominal Strain vs. Hernia." (n.d.) Braceability Blog. Retrieved March 15th, 2017.
  • Ratini, Melinda DO, MS. "Symptoms of Appendicitis." March 9, 2015. WebMD. Retrieved March 15th, 2017.
  • Rutherford, Anna E. MD, MPH. "Acute Viral Hepatitis." (n.d.) Merck Manual. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
  • "Why Do My Kidneys Hurt? (Flank Pain)." April 21, 2015. UPMC Healthbeat. Retrieved March 15th, 2017.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

sam steven on August 15, 2018:

This article is really inspiring. I am suffering from hypothyroidism from a very long time and so i read a lot of articles about my medical condition. I have also went through a thyroid surgery recently and would never recommend it to anybody. One should read a lot before taking any decision. Your article was really very helpful along with these blogs - https://www.everydayhealth.com/appendicitis/guide/ & https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/app... Thank you for sharing.

Heather on August 01, 2018:

I get a pain in my left side...it last for days... I have a desk job, work for 7 hrs.. after I finish my day... my shoulders and neck all start paining... it's started affecting my daily life along with my everydayhealth, I take a hot water bath at end of the day yet it does not subside, do you recommend anything for my conditions.

Joan Dauenhauer on July 07, 2018:

Love this arrival it covers so many issues without trying to sell a miracle cure . I have so many different things going on in my body. My organs and joints Drs. Are now listening to me and going to specialist for all kinds of answers. I hhave so many issues with perscription medications. Asking for natural things for heali g. I feel so much better off of tho vs different doctors prescribe.

Coyote122316 on April 16, 2018:

My blood pressure 96 over 80 im having bad pain in my nick and back

rosie on August 06, 2017:

i got hit of my bike about 3 years ago now

and I still get pain in my rib and my right side of my back is that normal

Barbara Hurford on May 20, 2017:

My husband had severe pain in his left mid back and ribs then it went away but moved to the right side, more severe. He thought it was a pulled muscle. He was in so much pain thar we went to the ER at Enloe Hospital. That was a nightmare in itself. He ended up having a tear in his esophagus and was dumping food in his right lung. They performed a Thorocotomy and thats how they found it. He was intubated and put in an induced coma. Told me he might not survive the next 3 days. He lived thru it but still has alot of pain, that will eventually get better. You might want to add that to your site as it is more common than people think.

Scot on February 12, 2017:

I've had severe pain in my middle back through the right side for over a week now making work excruciating. I can feel something moving or popping lightly. I've tried ice and heat to no relief. It hurts when I breathe in and brings tears when I cough.

Zsa Zsa Crump on January 17, 2017:

I fell off my couch twice,my nephews wife took me to ER two days ago they have been hurting for weeks ,not getting any better,when I inhale,move reach ,turn, step one of my feet to hard,,cough,I can't hardly take it! I'm disabled anyhow and it looks like to me it would be getting a little bit better ,but,No I'm going on steroids tomorrow,I just don't think it's gonna help! I think it should've already got better at least a little ! I broke three ribs years ago and they didn't hurt this bad,help please! Any ideas?

celia on December 11, 2016:

Hi I have had a sharp pain in my right side of back under my rib cage the pain gets worse when I take a deep breath does anybody have an idea what it might be.thanks celia

Cynthia on November 29, 2016:

I had a pain in my right rib from the 24th tell the 28 then it moved to my back right below my shoulder blades any ideas?

deb stephens on September 11, 2016:

having severe pain lower right ribs shooting down to right pelvis area

scott on May 20, 2016:

thx Smithey

fathima on October 11, 2015:

Pain at right side of my back below the scapula

smithey on June 18, 2015:

I had a bad pain in my right side of my back half way up, I suffered it for two before realizing that its not going to subside on its own , I had a similar pain when i worked in construction as a teenager but being younger it went away on its own.I believe its a damaged muscle which maybe affecting a nerve.I am 60 now so my recovery is much slower , so i decided to take action I got myself some organic comfrey ointment its must be organic or you will be wasting your time and money. The pain started to subside in about 3 days ,pain totally gone in two weeks. I used it for a further week and now right as rain. I suggest you see your doctor because a pain in your back could be caused by many things good luck

mary on March 10, 2015:

I had H-phylori took all my medication then he order more labs to make sure it was all gone and it was negative after 7 month the pain is back my question does the come later?

What causes pain under right ribs radiating to back?

Kidney problems such as kidney stones, a urinary tract infection (UTI), a kidney infection, or kidney cancer can lead to RUQ pain. Symptoms that can accompany RUQ pain due to a kidney problem include: pain that radiates to the lower back or groin. painful urination.

What organ is on the right side under the ribs towards the back?

Just under the right side of your rib cage lie several important organs, such as the pancreas, gallbladder, right kidney, and parts of your liver, and small and large intestines.

When should I be concerned about pain under my right rib?

Any pain you feel under your right rib cage isn't usually anything to worry about, but if the pain is severe or persists, you should see a doctor as it could be caused by an underlying condition.