Sample recommendation letter for mental health counselor

Should You Get a Recommendation for Grad School from Your Therapist?

Hill Street Studios / Getty

Updated on October 03, 2018

Is it ever too late to seek a grad school recommendation letter from a former professor? When should you ask an employer or colleague for a recommendation? And – most critical here – is it ever a good idea for an applicant to solicit a recommendation letter from his or her therapist? We think the third question is most important for us to tackle, so let’s consider it first.

Should You Ask Your Therapist for a Recommendation Letter?

No. There are a great many reasons for this. But, simply, no. Here are some reasons why.

  1. The therapist-client relationship is not a professional, academic, relationship. Contact with a therapist is based on a therapeutic relationship. The primary job of a therapist is to provide services, not to write a recommendation. A therapist cannot provide an objective perspective on your professional competencies. Given that your therapist is not your professor, he or she cannot offer an opinion on your academic abilities.
  2. A therapist’s letter may look like an attempt to fatten a thin application.  A letter from your therapist might be interpreted by the admissions committee that you don’t have sufficient academic and professional experiences and that the therapist is filling a gap in your credentials. A therapist cannot speak to your academics.
  3. A recommendation letter from a therapist will make an admissions committee question an applicant’s judgment. Your therapist can speak to your mental health and personal growth – but is that really what you want to convey to the admissions committee? Do you want the committee to know the details about your therapy? Likely not. As an aspiring clinical psychologist, do you really want to raise attention to your mental health issues? Luckily most therapists realize that this would be ethically questionable and would likely deny your request for a recommendation letter.

Effective recommendations for graduate school speak to the student's academic and professional competence. Helpful recommendation letters are written by professionals who have worked with you in an academic capacity. They discuss specific experiences and competencies that support an applicant's preparation for the academic and professional tasks entailed in graduate study. It is unlikely that a letter from a therapist can fulfill these goals. Now that’s said, let’s consider the other two issues

Is It Too Late to Request a Recommendation from a Professor?

A qualified not really.  Professors are used to getting recommendation letter requests from former students. Many people decide to go to grad school well after graduating. Three years, such as in this example, isn’t long at all. Choose a letter from a professor – even if you think too much time has passed – over one from a therapist any day.  Regardless, your application should always include at minimum one academic reference.  You may think that your professors don't remember you (and they might not), but it isn’t unusual for them to be contacted years later. If you are unable to identify any professors who can write helpful letters on your behalf you may need to work on building your application. Doctoral programs emphasize research and prefer applicants with research experience. Obtaining these experiences puts you in contact with professors – and potential recommendation letters.

When Should You Request a Letter from an Employer or Colleague?

A letter from an employer or colleague is useful when an applicant has been out of school for a number of years. It can fill the gap between graduation and your application. A colleague or employer’s recommendation letter is especially helpful if you work in a related field and if he or she knows how to write an effective letter. For example,  an applicant who works in a social service setting may find an employer’s recommendation helpful in applying to therapy-oriented programs. An effective referee can talk about your skills and how your competencies suit your field of study. A letter from your employer and colleague may be appropriate if they detail your capacities for academic work and success in the field (and include concrete examples as support). That makes for a high-quality recommendation regardless of who writes it.

Watch Now: Who Should Write My College Recommendation?

Sample letter of recommendation for counseling program in school, college, university, office, or company.

Letter for Child Counseling in School

The principal, Oxford high school, LA

Respected sir,

With due respect, I am writing this letter to bring your attention on a very serious issue that many of the students, now days are facing psychological issues, and ultimately face depression which is an alarming sign for all of us. For this reason i request you to arrange a teacher, or a psychologist for child counseling so that they can easily discuss their matters, and resolve them without hurting their minds. I request you to consider my request. Thanks

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Marry Joe
Biology department

Requesting Letter for Psycho-Social Counselling in Rural Areas

The manager, helping hands foundation,

Respected madam,

With all my respect, I am writing this letter to update you about my visit to the rural areas of the state. It was a good tour, and we have got to know many unnoticeable issue of the society. One of them is mental condition of youngsters, and house wives. They seem to be in depression, and not responding to the society the way they should respond.

Apart from education, a hospital, there is a big need of psycho-social counselor in those areas where they can work on the mental health of the residents. I believe that it is equally important as compared to the other needs in order to build a good society. We have encountered many cases which need proper attentions otherwise it can turn out to be worst. I request you to take a quick action to my request. I have collected some samples, and questionnaires which support my request, and will also help you to take a proper decision.

I can help further if needed as it is grabbing my all interest. I am expecting consideration on my request. Please find attached documents, and statistics. Thanks

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Maria Hudson

Letter to Principle for Child Counseling In School

Dear school principal,

I’m waiting for you to discuss a very important matter of school counseling for a child. My son has been of school for a while as he was involved in a very bad traffic accident.  He still needs physical therapy three week, and sees a psychiatrist once a week. I would really appreciate it if we could get him some help in school to help him adjust to his new situation. I’m asking for some school counseling. I do very much appreciate your help in my son’s sensitive situation.

Kind regards,

Client’s name

Letter for Child Counseling In School

Dear Sir,

I hope you are doing well in health. I am Ammara’s father, writing this letter to you so that I can tell you about the Ammara’s behavior. I think she is suffering from something, she don’t say anything to us but feel like she is mentally upset, or going through something which we don’t know.

So please it is my kind request to you that arrange a counselor in school, so that any child who is suffering from anything can easily tell their problems to them. I will be very thankful to you.



Ammara’s Father
Adnan khan

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How do you write a good letter of recommendation for a counselor?

A recommendation letter should highlight your special skills and personal involvement. It should convey how you go above and beyond and set yourself apart from other students. All this information should be backed up by scholarly statistics, like your GPA and standardized test scores – so stay on top of it!

How do I write a counseling referral letter?

When writing a referral letter there is a specific format that therapists are expected to follow..
Basic Client Information. Here is what you will need to include and the proper order for it to go in. ... .
Presenting Problem. ... .
History of Problem. ... .
Client's Personal History. ... .
Clinical Assessment. ... .
Medical History. ... .
Differential Diagnosis..

What does a strong letter of recommendation look like?

A great letter will focus on your accomplishments, contributions, motivation, attitude, reliability, consistency, and other such skills. It is crucial to ensure that the person providing the recommendation knows you well and has a favorable opinion of your capability.

Do guidance counselors need recommendation letters?

Most schools ask for one to three teacher recommendations and one guidance counselor recommendation. In some cases, you may provide an additional letter, but you should only do so if you believe that letter can offer additional information that will contribute to your application.


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