Solving equations with variables on both sides worksheet with answer key

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Solving Equations With Like Terms

Solving equations with variables on both sides worksheet with answer key

Solve equations involving like terms across the equals sign

These equations are solved by combining like terms, followed by the same logic as two-step equations. Terms with the variable will be on both sides of the equation. All problems resolve to integers. You can adjust the difficulty of the problems by increasing the values size, using negative coefficients and flipping the sides of the equations.

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How do you solve equations with variables on both sides?

After simplifying, the first step in solving an equation with a variable on both sides is to get the variable on one side. This is done by reversing the addition or subtraction of one of the terms with the variable.

What is a 2 step equation example?

Two step equations are algebraic equations and are the equations that can be solved in exactly two steps and gives the final value of the variable in two steps. Generally, two step equations are of the form ax + b = c, where a, b, c are real numbers. A few examples of two step equations are: 2x + 3 = 7.