Star wars trivia questions and answers multiple choice

Looking for Star Wars trivia questions and answers? Do you and your friends consider yourselves Star Wars experts and also love trivia games? Are you sick of easy Star Wars trivia questions? If so, then these Star Wars-themed questions will put your trivia knowledge about the series to the test. So get all the Star Wars fanatics in your life together for a night and challenge each other to see who truly knows the most about the multi-billion dollar movie series!

How to Play 

Before diving right in, everyone must know the rules of the ultimate Star Wars trivia night. 

To start, ensure everyone in the group has a pencil (or pen) and a piece of paper to keep track of how many answers they get right.

Then, choose one player to be the "game head." This chosen player is responsible for reading the trivia questions and answers to the remaining players in the group. After the game head reveals the correct answer to each question, the remaining players earn one point for every correct answer they come up with. 

The game head is also responsible for splitting the questions into rounds, which can contain anywhere from 10 to 25 questions. After the end of each round, the player with the most correct answers is the winner. When all the rounds are over, total up each player's correct answers and declare a winner!

Star Wars Trivia Questions and Answers 

These Star Wars trivia questions are only for the most committed Star Wars fans. So make sure you and your friends refresh your memory with a couple of Star Wars films before introducing these Star Wars trivia questions! From general trivia to the most specific details, these Star Wars questions address everything about the series!

Luke Skywalker Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What color was the first lightsaber Luke Skywalker had?

Answer: Blue.

Trivia Question: Who plays Luke Skywalker?

Answer: Mark Hamill.

Trivia Question: In what lightsaber duel did Luke Skywalker lose his first lightsaber?

Answer: Luke Skywalker lost it in the lightsaber duel with Darth Vader.

Trivia Question: Who gives Luke Skywalker his first lightsaber?

Answer: Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Trivia Question: Why do the aunt and uncle of Luke Skywalker raise him?

Answer: Luke Skywalker's dad turned to the dark side and his mother died when he was young.

Trivia Question: Who is the father of Luke Skywalker?

Answer: Anakin Skywalker, better known as Darth Vader.

Trivia Question: In the original Star Wars trilogy what profession did Luke Skywalker have?

Answer: A Jedi general.

Trivia Question: What actor auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker?

Answer: William Katt.

Darth Vader Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: How many limbs does Darth Vader lose through the Star Wars film series?

Answer: Five limbs throughout the series.

Trivia Question: Who voices Darth Vader in the Star Wars film series?

Answer: James Earl Jones.

Trivia Question: What powers does Darth Vader have?

Answer: Ability to use the Force to run faster, turn invisible, breathe without his mask, levitate, and fight.

Trivia Question: Who are Darth Vader's children?

Answer: Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.

Trivia Question: Who is the grandson of Darth Vader?

Answer: Kylo Ren.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What is Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker's relationship?

Answer: Obi is a mentor to Luke Skywalker.

Trivia Question: Where does Obi-Wan Kenobi take Luke Skywalker after his birth?

Answer: Tatooine.

Trivia Question: What name does Obi go by while he's on Tatooine?

Answer: Ben.

Trivia Question: What color was Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber?

Answer: Blue.

Trivia Question: When did Obi-Wan Kenobi become a Jedi Master?

Answer: 22 BBY, after training Anakin Skywalker to Knighthood.

Trivia Question: Which character says the famous line, "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope"?

Answer: Princess Leia.

Trivia Question: Who plays Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars trilogy?

Answer: Alec Guinness.

Trivia Question: Obi-Wan Kenobi says which Star Wars character is the "Chosen One"?

Answer: Anakin Skywalker.

Han Solo Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Who is the child of Han Solo?

Answer: Kylo Ren.

Trivia Question: What is the name of Han Solo's ship?

Answer: The Millennium Falcon.

Trivia Question: Who plays Han Solo?

Answer: Harrison Ford.

Trivia Question: Han Solo was frozen in what?

Answer: Carbonite.

Trivia Question: Who killed Han Solo?

Answer: Kylo Ren.

Trivia Question: What Star Wars movie was Han Solo killed in?

Answer: The Force Awakens.

Trivia Question: What bounty hunter captures Han Solo?

Answer: Skorr and Gribbet.

General Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Mace Windu's lightsaber is what color?

Answer: Purple.

Trivia Question: Who kills Mace Windu?

Answer: Darth Sidious.

Trivia Question: Who chose the color of Mace Windu's lightsaber?

Answer: The actor portraying Mace Windu, Samuel L. Jackson.

Trivia Question: Who wrote the Star Wars story?

Answer: George Lucas.

Trivia Question: How many languages are spoken in the Star Wars universe?

Answer: 68 languages.

Trivia Question: Who directed Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back?

Answer: Irvin Kershner.

Trivia Question: Who directed Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi?

Answer: Richard Marquand.

Trivia Question: What planet is Cloud City on?

Answer: Bespin.

Trivia Question: Who is Owen Lars?

Answer: The uncle of Luke Skywalker.

Star Wars Holiday Special Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What year did the Star Wars Holiday Special air?

Answer: 1978.

Trivia Question: How many times did the Star Wars Holiday Special air?

Answer: Only one time, on November 17, 1978.

Trivia Question: What song does Carrie Fisher sing in the Star Wars Holiday Special?

Answer: "Life Day."

Jedi Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Who is the only character in Star Wars to die of natural causes?

Answer: Yoda.

Trivia Question: What color is Yoda's lightsaber?

Answer: Green.

Trivia Question: What is Qui Gon Jinn known for?

Answer: He adopted Anakin Skywalker and brought him into the Jedi Order.

Trivia Question: Who killed Qui Gon Jinn?

Answer: Darth Maul.

Trivia Question: What planet does Admiral Ackbar belong to?

Answer: Planet Mon Cala.

Sith Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What movie does Jabba the Hutt first appear in?

Answer: Return of the Jedi.

Trivia Question: What does the ancient Hebrew lettering written on Darth Vader's chest piece mean?

Answer: "His deeds will not be forgiven until he merits."

Trivia Question: What is the "Rule of Two"?

Answer: There can only be two Sith Lords at one time.

Trivia Question: Who is Chancellor Palpatine's Sith alter ego?

Answer: Darth Sidious.

Trivia Question: Who killed Jabba the Hutt?

Answer: Princess Leia Organa.

Trivia Question: Where is Jabba's Palace located?

Answer: Northern Dune Sea of Tatooine.

Trivia Question: What alien race is Jabba the Hutt?

Answer: A large slug-like sentient species native to the planet Nal Hutta.

Trivia Question: What color lightsaber does Darth Maul have?

Answer: Red.

Trivia Question: When did Darth Maul first appear in the Star Wars series?

Answer: The Phantom Menace.

Trivia Question: What other name does Darth Tyranus have?

Answer: Count Dooku.

Trivia Question: When does Darth Tyranus first appear?

Answer: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

Trivia Question: Who was the Supreme Leader of the First Order?

Answer: Supreme Leader Snoke.

Princess Leia Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Who plays Princess Leia?

Answer: Carrie Fisher.

Trivia Question: Who were Princess Leia's mother and father?

Answer: Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker.

Trivia Question: Who adopted Princess Leia?

Answer: Breha and Bail Organa.

Trivia Question: What bounty hunter does Princess Leia impersonate to infiltrate Jabba's Palace and free Han Solo?

Answer: Boushh.

Episode IV: A New Hope Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What planet does the Death Star destroy in A New Hope?

Answer: Alderaan.

Trivia Question: Who does Han Solo kill at the Mos Eisley Catina?

Answer: Greedo.

Trivia Question: Who captures R2-D2 and C-3PO after landing their escape pod?

Answer: Jawas.

Trivia Question: Who didn't attend the Star Wars: A New Hope premiere?

Answer: George Lucas, for fear the movie would be a flop.

Trivia Question: What game do R2-D2 and Chewbacca play on the Millennium Falcon?

Answer: Dejarik.

Trivia Question: Where does Princess Leia hide the plans for the first Death Star?

Answer: In the memory of the droid R2-D2.

Trivia Question: Who is the commander of the first Death Star?

Answer: Grand Moff Tarkin.

Trivia Question: What kind of blaster do the stormtroopers carry?

Answer: E-11 blaster rifles.

Trivia Question: What kind of farm does Uncle Owen own?

Answer: a moisture farm.

Trivia Question: What does Luke use for target practice while in Tatooine?

Answer: Womp rats.

Trivia Question: Who purchases R2-D2 and C3PO from the Jawas?

Answer: Uncle Owen, or Owen Lars.

Trivia Question: Who kills Uncle Owen?

Answer: Stormtroopers.

Trivia Question: What kind of blaster does Han Solo carry?

Answer: A DL-44.

Boba Fett Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What profession does Boba Fett have?

Answer: Bounty hunter.

Trivia Question: What Star Wars movie does Boba Fett first appear in?

Answer: The Empire Strikes Back.

Trivia Question: Who kills Boba Fett's father?

Answer: Jedi Master Mace Windu.

Trivia Question: What is the battle armor that Boba Fett uses?

Answer: Mandalorian.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Who is the First Order hunting at the start of the movie?

Answer: Luke Skywalker.

Trivia Question: Which Stormtrooper helps Poe escape from the Finalizer?

Answer: FN-2187.

Trivia Question: Who captures the Millennium Falcon, Rey, and Finn?

Answer: Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Trivia Question: Which character wakes up in this Star Wars movie for the first time in years?

Answer: R2-D2.

Trivia Question: Who is the First Order hunting at the beginning of the film?

Answer: Luke Skywalker.

Trivia Question: Rey earns a living as what while living on Jakku?

Answer: Scavenging.

Trivia Question: What abandoned vehicle does Rey live in?

Answer: AT-AT.

Trivia Question: Which Stormtrooper helps Poe escape from the Finalizer?

Answer: FN-2187.

Trivia Question: Which of Poe's belongings does Finn grab from the TIE fighter wreckage?

Answer: His jacket.

Trivia Question: What are Chewie and Han Solo hauling on their freighter?

Answer: Rathtars.

Trivia Question: Who is Kylo Ren's Master?

Answer: Supreme Leader Snoke.

The Last Jedi Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Which Han Solo Possession does Luke Skywalker find on the Millennium Falcon?

Answer: Aurodium-plated gold dice.

Trivia Question: When did The Last Jedi come out?

Answer: December 15, 2017.

Trivia Question: What is the legacy of the Jedi according to Luke Skywalker?

Answer: Failure, hypocrisy, and hubris.

Trivia Question: Why are Rose and Finn arrested on Canto Bight?

Answer: Illegally parking on the beach.

Trivia Question: Who burns down the Jedi Master library on Ahch-To?

Answer: Yoda.

Trivia Question: What does Finn find on the Millennium Falcon?

Answer: Sacred Jedi texts.

Trivia Question: What planet is the Resistance evacuating at the start of the movie?

Answer: D'Qar.

Trivia Question: Who pilots the fighter that confronts the dreadnought Fulminatrix?

Answer: Poe Dameron.

Trivia Question: Who drops the bomb that destroys the Fulminatrix?

Answer: Paige Tico.

Trivia Question: What does Luke do with his lightsaber after Rey returns it to him?

Answer: Throws the lightsaber away.

Trivia Question: What color is thala-siren milk?

Answer: Green.

Trivia Question: Where is Rey from?

Answer: Jakku.

X-Wing Fighter Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: When does the X-Wing Fighter first appear?

Answer: Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope.

Trivia Question: How many engines does the X-Wing Starfighter have?

Answer: Four.

Trivia Question: What ship do Lando and Wedge Antilles destroy in an X-Wing fighter?

Answer: The second Death Star.

C3PO Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What is C 3PO an acronym for?

Answer: Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office.

Trivia Question: How many languages does C 3PO speak?

Answer: Over six million forms of communication.

Trivia Question: What movie does C 3PO get a red arm?

Answer: Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Trivia Question: Who is the voice of C 3PO?

Answer: Anthony Daniels.

Trivia Question: Who built C3PO?

Answer: Anakin Skywalker.

Trivia Question: Where does C 3PO get captured?

Answer: On the Forest Moon while attempting to disable the shield protecting the second Death Star.

General Star Wars Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What year did Episode I: The Phantom Menace come out?

Answer: 1999.

Trivia Question: How many engines does the Death Star have?

Answer: 123 hyperdrive field generators.

Trivia Question: What did the population mine in Cloud City?

Answer: Tibanna gas.

Trivia Question: What character did Jon Favreau voice in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

Answer: The Mandalorian Pre Vizsla.

Trivia Question: What animal does Luke ride in Star Wars: Empire Stikes Back?

Answer: Tauntaun, a species of snow lizard in Hoth.

Trivia Question: What are pilot TIE fighters called?

Answer: Imperial Starfighter Pilots.

Star Wars Movies' Earnings Questions

Trivia Question: Which Star Wars movie has earned the most money to date?

Answer: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

Trivia Question: How much money has Return of the Jedi grossed to date?

Answer: Over $400 million.

Trivia Question: What Star Wars film has the best rating?

Answer: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.

Trivia Question: What percentage of U.S. adults have seen Return of the Jedi?

Answer: 47%.

Trivia Question: What do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy?

Answer: The Force.

Trivia Question: What is the name of Yoda's home?

Answer: Dagobah.

Trivia Question: What is the Toydarian's name who Anakin Skywalker owns?

Answer: Watto.

Trivia Question: What is the name of the homeworld of the Wookiees?

Answer: Kashyyyk.

What species stole the plans for the Death Star?

Answer: Bothans.

Trivia Question: How old was Yoda when he died?

Answer: 900 years old.

Trivia Question: What is the nickname of the famous Wookiee bounty hunter, Snoova?

Answer: Madclaw.

Trivia Question: Who is Luke Skywalker's most loyal friend and first mate?

Answer: Chewie the Wookie.

Trivia Question: What creature lives in the garbage compactor of the first Death Star?

Answer: Dianoga.

Trivia Question: How old was Padme Amidala when she became queen?

Answer: 14 years old.

Trivia Question: What substance powers the lightsabers in Star Wars?

Answer: Ilum Crystals.

Trivia Question: What planet is the second Death Star orbiting in Return of the Jedi?

Answer: The Forest Moon of Endor.

Trivia Question: Where is the hidden rebel base?

Answer: Yavin IV.

Trivia Question: What is the name of Han Solo's friend who runs Cloud City?

Answer: Lando Calrissian.

Trivia Question: Which arm did Count Dooku cut of Anakin?

Answer: His right arm.

Trivia Question: When was the first Star Wars film released?

Answer: May 25, 1977?

Trivia Question: How many Star Wars films are there?

Answer: Nine.

Trivia Question: Who was the only character to have a purple lightsaber?

Answer: Mace Windu.

More Trivia games

Want to play more trivia question games? Our creations can help you have a fun night with family, friends, colleagues, and more. Each game guide includes instructions on how to play and specific questions that fit a genre you'll enjoy playing. Browse our extensive library of trivia questions below:

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Favorite Resources

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Job interview resources

  • Common Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Preparing for Job Interviews by the University of Kansas
  • Mock Interview Handbook by CSUCI
  • Interview Guidebook by Lebanon Valley College

Resume and cover letter resources

  • Writing a Resume and Cover Letter by USC
  • Resume Writing Tips by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Resume and Cover Letter Guide by Harvard University

Job search resources

  • Building and Engaging Your Network by UC Berkeley
  • Career Ready Assessment by UC Berkeley

Star wars trivia questions and answers multiple choice

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Samuel L..

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“ ... .
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