Substance abuse counselor job description for resume

When writing a Substance Abuse Counselor Resume remember to include your relevant work history and skills according to the job you are applying for. Whether you're seeking an entry-level position or have been in your career for a few years, exposing your relevant achievements in your resume can allow you to stand out and get that job interview.

This resume example is a great representation of what a hiring manager is looking for in a Substance Abuse Counselor Resume. Feel free to use this example for reference as you create your own resume or use this easy resume builder that will guide you through every step of your building your resume in just a few minutes.

Looking for Cover Letter ideas? See our sample for Substance Abuse Counselor Cover Letter.

Here is the Substance Abuse Counselor Resume example:

Maria Adkins

2152 Valley Street

Collingswood, NJ 8108



Job Objective Seeking a rewarding and challenging position as Substance Abuse Counselor in a well-reputed organization.

Work Experience:

  • Substance Abuse Counselor, 2006 to Present
  • Black Veterans For Social Justice Inc, Brooklyn, New York
  • Counseled clients with gambling, alcohol, drug and eating disorder problems.
  • Identified patient’s negative behaviors through asking personal questions.
  • Counseled individuals and groups in alcohol and drug prevention programs.
  • Developed client’s treatment plans based on client histories.
  • Interviewed and advised clients and families in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse problems.

Summary of Qualifications:

  • Sound knowledge of substance abuse and related issues
  • Extended ability to counsel struggling client’s to overcome addiction
  • Widely knowledgeable on relapse prevention and sobriety
  • Immense ability to counsel clients with alcohol, tobacco, drug and other related problems
  • Profound ability to instruct clients with new skills to overcome the addiction of drugs and alcohol


B.S. in psychology, 2004, Iowa State University

Substance Abuse Counseling Certification, 2006, Auburn University

  • 1.0.0Version
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  • March 1, 2022Create Date
  • March 1, 2022Last Updated

Substance abuse counselor job description for resume

Substance abuse counselors help individuals addicted to alcohol or drugs overcome it and regain their lives.

Substance Abuse Counselor Job Description, Duties, and Responsibilities

What Does a Substance Abuse Counselor Do?

Substance abuse counselors play an essential role in helping individuals overcome drug and alcohol addiction.

Their job description entails treating patients with chemical dependency on narcotics by identifying the root cause of abuse and assisting them with progression to sobriety.

In performing their duties, these counselors schedule therapy sessions for patients to discuss the motive behind their substance abuse condition.

They listen to clients closely to determine the type and severity of an abuse.

They also interview patients to identify situations that trigger the abuse.

Substance abuse counselors encourage and guide patients through the recovery process by proffering recommendations on best ways to avert abuse triggers.

They develop treatment plans effective in dealing with an addictive behavior, and also teach clients coping mechanisms and healthy behaviors that can replace the use of alcohol or drugs.

Usually, counselors who are experts in substance abuse set up a support network that consists of caring individuals that can help patients through the process of recovery.

They hold weekly or bi-weekly appointments with clients to track the progress of treatment and encourage patients to resist urge to relapse.

Their work description also involves organizing group therapies for alcohol and narcotic addicts to help reduce the overwhelming effect of being alone in a situation.

As part of their responsibilities, substance abuse counselors provide addiction-prevention resources to the community by organizing public outreach to educate people on risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse.

They collaborate with the family of clients to monitor and track patient recovery process.

They also assist clients in reestablishing their career or finding new jobs.

Evaluating client recovery process and treatment plan to identify the need for possible adjustment is also a part of the substance abuse counselor description.

The role also entails creating and maintaining an up-to-date patient profile, as well as recording of treatment progress.

These counselors may also administer and regulate the intake of methadone by heroin addicts.

To work as a substance abuse counselor requires a Bachelor’s degree in psychology, or sociology, or in a similar field.

To succeed on the job the major qualities you will need include listening, compassion, and communication skills.

Substance Abuse Counselor Job Description Example/Template

Substance abuse counselors perform various functions in assisting individuals addicted to alcohol and drugs come free of it.

Here is a job description example that highlights major tasks, duties, and responsibilities usually performed by counselors specializing in substance abuse cases:

  • Develop and implement treatment plans to help clients overcome addiction
  • Listen and interview clients to identify abuse triggers and suggest ways to suppress an addictive behavior
  • Teach patients coping mechanisms and best ways to prevent a relapse
  • Liaise with clients’ families to develop strategies effective in dealing with addiction problems
  • Provide reports to update court on the progress of a treatment
  • Lead group therapy sessions for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
  • Motivate individuals to desist from an addictive behavior and accept treatment
  • Assist clients in maintaining, reestablishing, or finding a job
  • Help patients setup a support network required in overcoming an addiction
  • Track clients’ recovery process to identify the need for treatment plan adjustment
  • Administer and regulate intake of methadone by heroin addicts
  • Teach individuals how to recognize substance abuse in their friends and family
  • Hold periodic therapy sessions with clients to prevent recidivism
  • Organize campaigns and outreach to educate the public on the ills associated with substance abuse
  • Participate in educational workshops to identify new techniques of resolving substance abuse.

Requirements – Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge – for Substance Abuse Counselor Job

If you are interested in the substance abuse counselor career, the following requirements are what you need to have to qualify to apply for the role in most health facilities:

  • Education and Training: To become a counselor on substance abuse, you require a Bachelor’s degree in psychology or sociology, or in a related discipline. Some employers may require substance abuse counselors to have a Master’s degree in any of the aforementioned fields. These counselors are required to pass licensing exam in order to obtain licensure for practice
  • Compassion: Counselors are empathic towards individuals dealing with alcohol or drug addiction problem
  • Listening Skills: They pay attention to clients’ complaints during therapy sessions in order to identify abuse triggers
  • Communication Skill: They are adept at interacting with clients to proffer recommendations useful in addressing dependency issues.


If you need to create a job description for the substance abuse counselor position, you can quickly make one by applying the sample copy provided in this post.

When hiring for the role, the work description you create can help you attract the best counselor around.

The information about the duties and responsibilities of substance abuse counselors given in this post is also beneficial to individuals who are looking to get into the career. They will gain more knowledge about what the job entails.

Did your knowledge about what substance abuse counselors do improve from reading this post? Please, make a comment of what you think about this article in the box below. You may also share your work description if you are a counselor helping people addicted to drug and alcohol.

What should I put on my resume for counseling?

In addition to these attributes, look to feature these skills in your resume:.
Strong interpersonal and communication skills..
Analytical skills..
Critical thinking..
Decision making..
Time management..
Leadership skills..

What do you mean by substance abuse counseling?

Substance abuse counseling refers to a type of intervention (action intended to alter the course of a disease process) to help individuals recover from abuse of alcohol (or other drug) by abstaining completely from the substance or cutting down on its use.

How do you put head counselor on resume?

On your resume, describe your camp counselor experience in the same way you would describe your campus involvement or work experience. What was your role at the camp? How would your supervisors, campers, and other counselors describe you? Focus on your accomplishments.