Texas students forced to do bear crawls

Brazosport ISD said the science teacher and girls' basketball coach is on administrative leave during the investigation.

CLUTE, Texas — A science teacher and basketball coach for Clute Intermediate School was put on administrative leave pending an investigation she allegedly forced students to "bear crawl" around a track, causing blisters on their hands.

The accusations involve photos from several parents that one mother posted on Facebook.

Shannon Hanna said her daughter was one of dozens of students forced to crawl on their hands and feet around the track. She said her daughter was one of 37 who went to the nurse.

"I’m livid. I’m angry. My daughter’s hurt. Physically hurt," said Hanna. "What do you do when somewhere they’re supposed to be safe, they come home injured. If I send my child to school like that, CPS knocks on my door. Why shouldn’t they be in just as much trouble?"

"Some were ripped open. She said it was just skin," Hanna's daughter told KHOU 11.

"She can’t do anything. She can’t write. She can’t even hold a pencil," said Shannae Chumchal, another mother whose seventh grader was in the class.

Brazosport ISD released a statement Friday afternoon:

"Clute Intermediate School science teacher and girls basketball coach has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation regarding an incident within the girls basketball team. Brazosport ISD has high expectations for all employees; and all allegations are taken seriously and investigated to ensure the safety of our students."

"I will feel better if the coach is removed permanently," Hanna said. "They’re crying and telling her they’re physically hurt and her only response is ‘it’s just skin,’ tells me she’s got no business working at the school."

A physical education teacher is under investigation in the Houston area after several students reported burn injuries following exercises the coach made them do as punishment, according to local reports.

Four students at Anthony Aguirre Junior High who tried to get out of running laps on Monday as temperatures soared above 90 degrees suffered the injuries after the gym teacher reportedly forced them to instead do bear crawls.

Wendy Alvarez, a parent of one of the punished students, described her son’s injuries in an interview with KRIV.

“Now his hands are burnt. He has second degree burns. I took him to the ER yesterday. He said ‘My hands feel like they’re on fire.’ He had a fever last night,” Alvarez told the outlet.

“My son…he has nose bleeds and things, so he didn’t want to run. It was too hot. Him and four other kids, they went, and they were hiding behind the bleachers. The coach found them and I guess punished them by making them do bear crawls,” Alvarez said.

Texas students forced to do bear crawls
Wendy Alvarez’s son went to the emergency room with blisters from a gym class punishment gone wrong. FOX 26 Houston
Texas students forced to do bear crawls
The gym teacher had reportedly made students do bear crawls outside on a day where the heat index was at 102 degrees. FOX 26 Houston

The heat index was 102 that day, the local FOX station estimates, as the students were on all fours on a blistering track. Alvarez’s son has second-degree burns, she claimed.

The teacher is under investigation, the Channelview Independent School District said in a statement.

“The teacher has been removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation,” the district said.

Texas students forced to do bear crawls
Four students were made to do the bear crawls as a form of punishment for not running. FOX 26 Houston
Texas students forced to do bear crawls
Children ended up in the emergency room from the hot pavement giving them blisters. FOX 26 Houston

“Channelview ISD does not condone aversive discipline techniques that may cause physical pain to a student in any way. We take these situations very seriously as the safety of our students is always our top priority.”


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What is an alternative for bear crawl?

A favorite among exercisers wishing to improve their agility or athletes aiming for the effects of full body endurance, burpees are a truly excellent substitute to the bear crawl, not only in terms of the fact that it entirely lacks equipment as well, but also due to the compound full body nature of the exercise.

What is the purpose of bear crawls?

When performing the bear crawl, you use almost every muscle in the body. This exercise works the shoulders (deltoids), chest and back, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core. Do bear crawls regularly and you can build total-body strength and endurance.

Should you do bear crawls?

Like we mentioned above, bear crawls are an effective core exercise. But they're also good for working your coordination, boosting shoulder strength and stability, and in some cases even getting a dose of cardio. In the bear crawl position, your palms and toes and the only points of contact with the ground.

Are bear crawls good for legs?

Full-body exercise. Bear crawls are great if you want to target the core and shoulders. But you'll also get a great workout in your chest, back, butt, quads, and hamstrings.