What are the questions on an iq test

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Are you smart enough to get into Mensa? These are the questions you'll have to answer to get invited

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Mensa is one of the most exclusive clubs in the world.

The IQ society was founded in 1946 in Oxford, England, by Roland Berrill and Lancelot Lionel Ware. Its mission is to "identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity," according to the official website.

Getting into the elite society is notoriously difficult and is a privilege reserved for those who score in the top 2% in its famous IQ test.

According to an 11-year-old Londoner who earned a perfect score on the test, it's "written in a way that any person can do it."

To get an idea of how likely you are to get into Mensa, the organisation sent Business Insider some sample questions. The answers are at the bottom of the article.

The questions are similar in style to those which are likely to be included in an accredited IQ test. Although answering the mini test will not show an accurate IQ score, it can give a rough indicator of how well you may do if you attempted a Mensa IQ Test.

The organisation is named after the Latin word for table, denoting a round table where all members are equal.


Members of Mensa are invited to exclusive lectures and seminars and can attend local meetings and networking events.


The test gets progressively harder as the questions go on.


You have to be at least 10 and a half years old to take the supervised test, younger applicants need to be assessed by an educational psychologist.


It's a mix of language and number-based puzzles. Admittedly, this one made no sense to us.


The first test, Cattell III B, has 158 questions. The second paper, Cattell Culture Fair III A, has 50 questions and is mostly diagram-based.


The youngest member of Mensa was invited to join when he was just two years and four months old. The oldest member is 104.


There are 120,000 Mensans in 100 countries. Just 1,500 of them are under 18.


The answers are below. How did you do?


Read the original article on Business Insider UK. Copyright 2016. Follow Business Insider UK on Twitter.

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IQ tests offer a formula that allows you to compare yourself to other people and see how average (or above average) your intelligence is.

The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) is dubbed the world’s shortest IQ test because it consists of just three questions. It assesses your ability to identify that a simple problem can actually be harder than it first appears. The quicker you do this, the more intelligent you appear to be.

Here are the three questions:

1. A bat and a ball cost £1.10 in total. The bat costs £1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

2. If it takes five machines five minutes to make five widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

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Here is what a lot of people guess:

1. 10 pence

2. 100 minutes

3. 24 days

These answers would be wrong.

When you're ready, scroll down for the correct answers, and how you get to them:

1. The ball would actually cost 0.05 pence

If the ball costs X, and the bat costs £1 more, then it will be:



Bat+ball=X + (X+1) =1.1


2X+1=1.1, and 2X=0.1

X= 0.05

2. It would take 5 minutes to make 100 widgets.

Five machines can make five widgets in five minutes; therefore one machine will make one widget in five minutes too.

Therefore if we have 100 machines all making widgets, they can make 100 widgets in five minutes.

3. It would take 47 days for the patch to cover half of the lake

If the patch doubles in size each day going forward, it would halve in size going backwards. So on day 47, the lake is half full.

In a survey of almost 3,500 people, 33 per cent got all three wrong, and 83 per cent missed at least one.

While this IQ test has its shortcomings – its brevity, and lack of variation in verbal and non-verbal reasoning - only 48 per cent of MIT students sampled were able to answer all three correctly.

How many did you get right? Tell us below

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What are the 5 parts of an IQ test?

These are called Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed. Each Index Scale is comprised of two subtests that together make up the scale result. The Full Scale IQ is an averaging of these five scales, so it's only meaningful if the scales are consistent.

How many questions is an IQ test?

The average test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions. Depending on the test taker's age and intelligence, as well as the test's length, it may take anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours to complete an IQ test. Adult IQ tests typically take one to two hours.

What do they look for in an IQ test?

Modern intelligence tests often focus on abilities such as mathematical skills, memory, spatial perception, and language abilities. The capacity to see relationships, solve problems, and remember information are important components of intelligence, so these are often the skills on which IQ tests focus.

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