What is the weather today in fahrenheit

Night - Cloudy. Winds variable at 7 to 9 mph (11.3 to 14.5 kph). The overnight low will be 76 °F (24.4 °C).

Cloudy with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a 51% chance of precipitation. Winds N at 8 to 13 mph (12.9 to 20.9 kph).

View forecast detailsSundayPrecipitation2%Fahrenheit High Temperature86°Celsius High Temperature30°Fahrenheit Low Temperature76°Celsius Low Temperature25°

Showers today with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a low of 76 °F (24.4 °C).

View forecast detailsMondayPrecipitation5%Fahrenheit High Temperature86°Celsius High Temperature30°Fahrenheit Low Temperature76°Celsius Low Temperature25°

Mostly cloudy today with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a low of 76 °F (24.4 °C).

View forecast detailsTuesdayPrecipitation7%Fahrenheit High Temperature86°Celsius High Temperature30°Fahrenheit Low Temperature77°Celsius Low Temperature25°

Cloudy today with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a low of 77 °F (25.0 °C).

View forecast detailsWednesdayPrecipitation7%Fahrenheit High Temperature86°Celsius High Temperature30°Fahrenheit Low Temperature77°Celsius Low Temperature25°

Partly cloudy today with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a low of 77 °F (25.0 °C).

View forecast detailsThursdayPrecipitation56%Fahrenheit High Temperature84°Celsius High Temperature29°Fahrenheit Low Temperature75°Celsius Low Temperature24°

Showers today with a high of 84 °F (28.9 °C) and a low of 75 °F (23.9 °C). There is a 56% chance of precipitation.

View forecast detailsFridayPrecipitation7%Fahrenheit High Temperature87°Celsius High Temperature31°Fahrenheit Low Temperature75°Celsius Low Temperature24°

Showers today with a high of 87 °F (30.6 °C) and a low of 75 °F (23.9 °C).

View forecast detailsSaturdayPrecipitation1%Fahrenheit High Temperature86°Celsius High Temperature30°Fahrenheit Low Temperature76°Celsius Low Temperature25°

Partly cloudy today with a high of 86 °F (30.0 °C) and a low of 76 °F (24.4 °C).

View forecast detailsSundayPrecipitation11%Fahrenheit High Temperature87°Celsius High Temperature31°Fahrenheit Low Temperature75°Celsius Low Temperature24°

Cloudy today with a high of 87 °F (30.6 °C) and a low of 75 °F (23.9 °C).

View forecast detailsMondayPrecipitation0%Fahrenheit High Temperature87°Celsius High Temperature31°Fahrenheit Low Temperature76°Celsius Low Temperature25°

Partly cloudy today with a high of 87 °F (30.6 °C) and a low of 76 °F (24.4 °C).

View forecast detailsTuesdayPrecipitation47%Fahrenheit High Temperature84°Celsius High Temperature29°Fahrenheit Low Temperature75°Celsius Low Temperature24°

Thunderstorms today with a high of 84 °F (28.9 °C) and a low of 75 °F (23.9 °C). There is a 47% chance of precipitation.

A forecast of thundery showers indicates an imminent risk of lightning. Lightning typically strikes within 6km radius of a location, but is known to strike more than 10km away from the thunderstorm cloud.

Current condition and temperature - Singapore, Singapore

What is the weather today in fahrenheit

Current Air Quality

Our current air quality index (AQI) provides information on the quality of air that you are breathing and its impact on your health. There are at least six different pollutants that we track that impact the cleanliness of air and your health.

Health & Activities

See all

Dust & Dander

Extremely High

The risk of dust and dander symptoms is extremely high. If you suffer from dust and dander allergies, taking allergy medication can help relieve symptoms.



The risk of experiencing weather-related arthritis pain is moderate. Stay hydrated and stretch to help avoid arthritis symptoms.

Sinus Pressure


The risk of weather-related sinus pressure is low.

Common Cold


The risk of catching a cold is low.



The risk of catching the flu is low.



The risk of suffering from a weather-related migraine is low.



The risk of asthma symptoms is moderate.



Fishing conditions are fair.



Conditions for running are fair. Stay hydrated to make your run easier.



Conditions for golfing are fair. Be prepared for 'invisible hazards' like wind that can make the game more challenging.

Biking & Cycling


Conditions for cycling are good. Stay hydrated to make the most of your ride.

Beach & Pool


Conditions for a day at the beach or pool are fair. Temperatures tend to be highest in the mid-afternoon if the day is on the cooler side.



Conditions for stargazing are poor.



Conditions for hiking are fair. Wear the right gear and watch for slippery surfaces.

Lawn Mowing


Conditions for lawn mowing are poor. Avoid mowing your lawn when it is wet, or temperatures are too cold.



Composting conditions are great. Ensure any food scraps are covered with dry leaves or wood chips to help avoid attracting pests.

Outdoor Entertaining


Conditions for outdoor entertaining will be great. Pay attention to the mosquito or pest forecast and prepare deterrents.

Air Travel


Conditions for flying are ideal. Have a safe trip.



Conditions for driving are good. Stay alert of any changes to the weather forecast.


Extremely High

The risk for mosquito activity are extremely high. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when spending time outdoors to prevent bites.

Indoor Pests

Very High

The risk for pest activity is extremely high. Eliminate standing water in rain gutters, buckets, and in tires where pests can breed.