What number should my fridge be set at

If you’ve ever taken something out of the fridge and discovered that it’s half frozen or worse, lukewarm, you’ll probably be curious to know what the ideal temperature to keep your fridge and freezer is. A fridge that freezes your tomatoes, wilts your salad, or turns your milk into cheese is either broken or needs adjusting.

The purpose of a refrigerator is to slow down the growth of bacteria and the purpose of a freezer is to slow the bacteria even further through the process of freezing. If these appliances aren’t maintaining the correct temperature, they’re falling short of their purpose.

Ideal Fridge Temperature

Bacteria is present in all food, but it can be thought of in two ways: there’s good bacteria, and then there’s bad bacteria. Good bacteria is added to food at the point of manufacture to make it taste better, and can often be found in items such as sourdough bread, beer and yoghurt. A recognisable sign of bad bacteria is mould – food with mould is not safe to eat.

The spoiling of food is inevitable, as microscopic organisms are constantly feasting on our food. When food is refrigerated, the growth of bacteria is slowed. According to the UK food standards agency, the ideal fridge temperature for food is 8°C and below. Taking into account the temperature drop from the opening and closing of the fridge door, the fridge should be set at a temperature between 1-5°C.

What do the numerical settings on the fridge mean?

Some fridges don’t show the temperature but work on a setting that is listed from 1 to 5. The numbers on the fridge’s temperature dial indicate the refrigerating power. Therefore, the higher the setting, the cooler the fridge will be. Choosing setting 5 will make your fridge the coldest. In order to measure the temperature accurately, keep a thermometer on the middle shelf of the fridge, or check out these other ways to measure fridge temperature.

Ideal Freezer Temperature

Contrary to popular opinion, freezing food does not halt the growth of bacteria – it will just slow it down. When freezers first became common in homes, food was frozen at -10°C. However, if food is frozen at lower temperatures, it will slow the bacteria growth even further, and preserve the Vitamin C content in frozen vegetables. Today, -18°C is the accepted standard for freezing food.

Why Is My Fridge At The Wrong Temperature?

There’s a range of reasons why your fridge could be at the wrong temperature. Poor organisation can stop the proper airflow around a fridge, meaning that some parts of the fridge are colder than others. Check the seal around the fridge door – if it’s not fitted properly, this means that cold air can escape easily. If you have a broken thermostat, your fridge temperature will not be adjustable.

If you believe your fridge has a fault that causes it to be too cold or too warm, call us at Glotech for a fridge repair today.

Keeping foods in the fridge at the right temperature is the best way to avoid food-related illnesses. As well as basic storage tips there are maintenance guidelines you can follow to ensure that your food is properly chilled. Cleaning your hands, surfaces, and produce will reduce the risks of your getting sick. So, what setting should my fridge be on? Read on…

Get Fridge Setting Savvy

The settings on the fridge temperature dial show refrigerant power. Normally the numbers range from one to five. Number one is the least cool setting and number five the coldest.

When your fridge is always full you need to select a number four setting.

When stocks are low a number two or three will be sufficient. If the temperature is too low ice could cause problems with the thermostat as it prevents air circulation. Buy a fridge thermometer to set the dial just right.

Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What temperature should a refrigerator be?

The ideal refrigerator temperature is four degrees Celsius or below. A fridge thermometer is a simple way to keep a check on the temperature and adjust the setting as necessary. Freezer temperatures should be set at -18 degrees Celsius.

Should You Turn off the Refrigerator When on Vacation?

There’s no need to do so if your holiday is for a week or so. The compressor won’t work continuously as the thermostat will simply switch it on and off to keep a constant temperature.

If you’re going to be away for longer, you’ll need to thoroughly empty, clean and dry the fridge before switching off. Leaving the door slightly open will avoid any unpleasant smells.

How Do I Keep My Food Safe?

Clean the fridge regularly by:

  • Emptying all the food
  • Taking out all shelves and drawers to wash separately
  • Wipe down the interior with sterilising solution
  • Dry with a clean cloth before replacing all the shelves
  • Wait until the temperature falls before replacing food

You should also:

  • Immediately wipe up any spills to avoid the spreading of bacteria
  • Not overpack as chilled food needs cold circulating air
  • Store food in containers with lids or sealed storage bags
  • Constantly check expiration dates on food

How Should I Pack the Fridge?

You should organise your shelves like this:

  • On the top shelves put foods that don’t need cooking such as meats from the deli
  • On the middle shelves store all your dairy products – cheese, milk, yoghurt, spreads, and eggs in cartons
  • On the bottom shelf keep wrapped meat and fish
  • In the drawers you can store salad, fruit, and vegetables
  • Use the door shelves for condiments, juices, and jams

What Happens If There’s a Power Cut?

Don’t panic as your fridge will keep food cold for approximately four hours as long as you keep the doors closed. Once the power is back on, you’ll need to check the fridge thermometer. If the reading has remained at four degrees Celsius all your food will be safe to eat.

If the temperature has risen, you’ll need to take a look at all individual foods. If you’re the least bit unsure you should throw the food away. Foodborne illnesses can be serious resulting in hospitalisation and sometimes death. Diseases include:

  • Salmonella
  • E. coli
  • Botulism
  • Noroviruses

These can all be kept to a minimum by setting your fridge to the right temperature.

Can I get my fridge repaired instead of replacing it?

Whatever fridge make or model you have specialist appliance repairers will be able to fix it. Read online reviews and get a qualified and trained engineer to carry out your work. You’ll be able to request a quote so you know exactly how much you’ll pay. And your quality appliance repair will come with a six-month guarantee.

Is a fridge colder on 1 or 5?

Some fridges don't show the temperature but work on a setting that is listed from 1 to 5. The numbers on the fridge's temperature dial indicate the refrigerating power. Therefore, the higher the setting, the cooler the fridge will be. Choosing setting 5 will make your fridge the coldest.

What number should a fridge be on 1 7?

You can use the fridge temperature setting 1-7 on any type of your commercial fridge. I have also shared the temperature which is cold and better for the fridge. The best way to keep food cold is to keep it in the refrigerator: You should aim for a temperature range of 35°-38°F (or 1.7°-3.3°C).

What number setting should a fridge be on?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that you keep your refrigerator temperature at or below 40°F and your freezer temperature at or below 0°F. However, the ideal refrigerator temperature is actually lower. Aim to stay between 35° and 38°F (or 1.7 to 3.3°C).

What number should my fridge be set at 1 9?

The coldest setting is "9" and the warmest setting is "1". The "0" setting is OFF, which turns the cooling off. Turn knobs to lower numbers for warmer temperatures and to higher numbers for colder temperatures.


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