When can you start eating normal food after wisdom teeth

Depending on what type of treatment you receive, oral surgery may require a couple weeks of healing time before you’re ready to resume your normal routine. One of the most common questions that we receive is how long it takes until you can eat solid food without having to worry about causing any pain or damage to the surgery site.

Why You Can’t Eat Solid Food After Oral Surgery

Dental tissue is soft and sensitive. When we’ve gone through oral surgery, like a wisdom tooth extraction, chances are we are leaving an area of our mouths vulnerable and exposed. Not to mention, our jaws may be sore from the surgery, and it can be difficult to eat or even talk while we recover. This is why we don’t recommend that you eat solid foods after oral surgery. Not only does it increase your risk of developing an infection if food particles get stuck in the surgery site, but it also can be difficult to even eat at all.

When can you start eating normal food after wisdom teeth

What to Eat Instead

One of the advantages of recovering from oral surgery is that we actually recommend that you eat soft foods that you probably normally wouldn’t eat large quantities of, like ice cream, Jello and mashed potatoes. Soups may also be okay as long as they are not too hot.

The best news is that you don’t have to keep up with this soft food diet for very long, either. Normally, you should avoid solid food for just 24 hours after your oral surgery, after which it may be okay to eat it again.

It’s very important to talk to your dentist about specific eating instructions, as it depends on the type of treatment that you have received as well as your own individual healing time. But remember, it’s always best to err on the side of caution instead of causing any damage!

If you have any questions about restorative or cosmetic procedures, along with what the healing time for any of these treatments look like, contact us today at Dental Solutions of Columbus! We look forward to seeing you!

When can you start eating normal food after wisdom teeth

At Hill Country Oral Surgery, we understand that wisdom teeth removal can be a complicated procedure. It involves a minor surgery that can be distressing for many patients and has a recovery time that can last up to seven days. During this time, patients usually feel discomfort. They need to modify many aspects of their routine, including work, leisure, and physical activity. Still, we consider that the most drastic changes are usually made in patients’ diets.

Although each patient is different and our surgeon will give specific recommendations according to the particular case, as a general rule, we advise patients to wait at least seven days to incorporate solid foods into their diet. Hard foods can interfere with recovery and disrupt the healing process, and as the main idea of this diet is to enable patients to go back to normal as soon as possible, we strongly recommend those who undergo this procedure follow this advice.

Why Do I Need to Avoid Solids After the Surgery?

The reason is simple: solid foods can injure the recovery site provoking pain, bleeding, or even the dislodge of the blood clot. This latter scenario is the one that worries dentists the most. The blood clot has a crucial role in the wound’s healing process, and if it is accidentally dislodged, it can lead to a dry socket, a painful infection that can make patients see the stars.

Luckily, you can avoid this shooting pain and prevent all these inconveniences by following a soft diet for a week (or until the wound is completely healed). This might be challenging and a bit unhandy, but it is the only way to ensure effective healing.

What Can I Eat in the Meantime?

We always provide some guidance regarding what to eat or drink after an extraction. At first, cold or warm (not hot) soft foods are recommended, like smoothies, soup, jelly, yogurt, and mashed potatoes. Ice cream is also highly advisable, as the cold can also help reduce inflammation and pain.

As the wound heals and you feel better, you can slowly introduce other foods to your diet, like oatmeal and scrambled eggs. You should always monitor how you feel after the meals and then evaluate if you’re doing fine or would rather go back to softer foods.

A few more recommendations…

Besides solids, other foods and habits can dislodge the blood clot and interrupt the healing process. It would be best if, after surgery, you avoid:

  • smoking
  • using a straw
  • chewing gum
  • strong physical activity
  • lifting heavyweight
  • whistling

If you are looking to have your wisdom teeth removed, or still have some doubts about post-op indications or the procedure itself, contact our team! Our dentists will explain the step-by-step in detail and answer all your questions.