When do you get your period after pregnancy

If you are breastfeeding your baby, your periods may not return for several months after childbirth. This is because the hormone that causes you to make milk, prolactin, also stops you from ovulating and having your period. If you are breastfeeding day and night, it can be up to a year before your period returns.

Many factors determine when your period will return when you are breastfeeding. These include:

  • how often you bottle feed your baby
  • the way your body responds to hormone changes
  • how often and how long your baby is breastfeeding

If your baby is being fed only using bottles, you may find your periods return shortly after birth.

Your first period after birth

If you breastfeed exclusively, your first period may not return for several months or 1 to 2 years if you keep breastfeeding. If you bottle feed or partially breastfeed your baby, your periods may return as soon as 3 weeks after having your baby.

Once they do return, your periods may be irregular, especially if you are still producing milk (lactating). The duration of your period can also change. It is not unusual to skip a period, or even for it to be a few months before your next one.

When you start reducing the amount of time you spend breastfeeding, your periods should start to return to their usual routine. You may notice some spotting (light bleeding) at first.

If you have irregular periods while breastfeeding, such as continued spotting, heavier than normal bleeding or long cycles, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor because there may be other causes apart from breastfeeding. Your doctor will need to conduct a thorough examination and may need to order some tests to exclude other causes.

If your period has come back, it means that you are fertile again and you could become pregnant, even while you are breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor or nurse about contraceptive methods while breastfeeding.

Does having a period affect breast milk supply?

The return of your period should have little effect on your breast milk so you can continue to breastfeed if desired. Some women find a temporary drop in the amount of milk they produce just before their period starts or for a few days into it, but it will increase again when hormones return to their normal levels.

Your midwife or doctor will be able to give you further advice and information about your periods and breastfeeding.

Not sure what to do next?

If you are still concerned about your breastfeeding and periods, why not use healthdirect’s online Symptom Checker to get advice on when to seek medical attention.

The Symptom Checker guides you to the next appropriate healthcare steps, whether it’s self care, talking to a health professional, going to a hospital or calling triple zero (000).

As a general guideline, you can expect your first postpartum period:

  • 6 to 8 weeks after your baby is born, if you're exclusively formula feeding.
  • 4 to 8 weeks after you start supplementing breastfeeding with formula or introducing solids.
  • 7 to 8 months, or even longer, after you give birth if you're breastfeeding exclusively. Some women don't start having periods again until they stop breastfeeding.

The main factor that affects how soon you'll start getting your period after birth again is whether or not you're breastfeeding, and, if so, how much. That's because the hormones your body produces when you're nursing, including prolactin and oxytocin, typically suppress ovulation. ("Typically" is the key word: Just because you're breastfeeding and not getting your period doesn't mean that you can't get pregnant. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding – so it's important to discuss contraception options with your healthcare provider when you're ready to start having sex again.)

Generally speaking, the less your baby nurses, the sooner your period will come back. If your baby sleeps through the night from an early age, or if you're supplementing with formula, your period may return sooner than it would if you were exclusively and frequently breastfeeding.

That said, breastfeeding's effects on a new mom's menstrual cycle can vary widely: There's no reliable way to predict exactly when you'll get your first period after pregnancy or what that period will be like, because every woman's body is different. Some women who breastfeed exclusively around the clock may start menstruating a month after giving birth, while others who supplement with formula may not get their period for several months.

There hasn’t been much research in this area, either: One study found that about one in three women get their periods back within six weeks of giving birth – and of those women, about two-thirds of them were breastfeeding exclusively.

You'll have some bleeding and discharge immediately after giving birth, which you may mistake for your first period, but this isn't your menstrual cycle. It's actually very normal postpartum bleeding called lochia, and it can linger for up to six to eight weeks.

Even though lochia can be messy, it's best that you don't use tampons for at least six weeks, until you've had your postpartum checkup and your provider has given you the okay to use them and have sex. There's a chance that tampons could introduce bacteria into your still-healing uterus or irritate any perineal tearing.

Will my postpartum period feel different?

It's normal if you find that your menstrual flow feels different now than it was before you gave birth. During those first few periods after pregnancy, you may notice that:

  • Your flow is heavier than what you experienced before pregnancy. (That's because of your new enlarged uterine cavity, which has more lining to shed.)
  • You're passing small blood clots. Those are normal, but if you start seeing clots the size of a golf ball, let your healthcare provider know.
  • Your menstrual cycle is irregular. It can take up to a year for you to resume normal cycles again, especially if you’re breastfeeding.

Everyone's postpartum period experience will be different; some women's menstrual cramps may return to normal, while some women may find that their period pain is less intense after pregnancy. One study found that some women who had c-sections experienced heavier, more painful periods after their deliveries.

Can getting your period while breastfeeding affect milk supply?

Yes, your menstrual cycle may affect your milk supply, but it’s generally minor and temporary. A few days before and during your period, hormone changes can cause a decreased milk supply and sore nipples, which might make nursing uncomfortable for you.

These changes are usually mild and last only a few days, but if you're nursing, you may find that your baby wants to breastfeed more because of the lower milk supply.

It's unlikely, but if problems with your supply continue after you've had your period, there are steps you can take to increase your milk supply.

Can you get pregnant if you haven't gotten your first postpartum period yet?

Yes. It's unusual, but it is possible to get pregnant in as little as three weeks after giving birth, even if your periods haven't returned yet. (That said, most healthcare providers recommend that you wait at least four to six weeks before you have sex after birth to let your body heal.)

Regardless of whether or not you're breastfeeding, your body will release its first postpartum egg before you menstruate. If you don't start using birth control as soon as you start having sex again, there's a chance you can conceive, even before that first postpartum period arrives.

If you’re worried that you’ll forget a daily pill, or you're nervous about relying on a natural method of birth control like ovulation tracking, you may want to consider one of these longer-term options:

  • Depo-Provera shots last about three months and are safe to use while breastfeeding.
  • An intrauterine device (IUD), which is effective for up to a decade.
  • A birth control implant like Nexplanon, which releases hormones to control ovulation.
  • Tubal ligation. It’s more than 99 percent effective, but it’s permanent.

When to call your provider about your period after pregnancy

Your first periods after pregnancy may be different than before you had a baby. If you're ever concerned about them or wondering whether your situation is normal, reach out to your healthcare provider. The following symptoms also warrant a call:

  • Ongoing irregular or very heavy periods. If your periods don't become more regular after a few months, or if you've had very heavy periods for more than two or three cycles (meaning you're soaking through a pad or tampon every hour for several hours in a row), let your healthcare provider know. They may want to check for uterine or hormonal issues.
  • You pass large clots. Anything bigger than a golf ball is a cause for concern.
  • Foul-smelling discharge. This could indicate bacterial vaginosis or a uterus infection.
  • Chills and/or a fever of more than 100.4. If this happens in the first few days following delivery, it could signal a potential uterus, kidney, or bladder infection.
  • A longer delay in your period returning if you're not breastfeeding. If you're formula-feeding and don't get your period by three months postpartum, talk to your OB or midwife. They may want to check for secondary amenorrhea (which is when women with previously normal cycles don't have a period for three months), pregnancy, or other issues.

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