Why did the football coach send in his second string answer key


Why did the football coach send in his second string answer key


Grade 9 路 2021-07-15

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Why did the football coach send in his second string

Why did the football coach send in his second string answer key


Math teacher

Tutor for 3 years


because his first string was tied up at the moment

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Answer :

Why did the football coach send in his second string answer key

TYLER1234567890 TYLER1234567890

to help the footall game

Thomas Thomas

Well, in our varsity team, first string (A team) plays the first half, then 2nd, 3rd, and 4th play the second half. (B team). He makes it so the team doesn't overwork and get injured.

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posted on January 22, 2022


Why did the football coach send in his second string


It could be because his first string was tied up at that moment.

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