Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder

Canine companions are increasingly gaining popularity in the management of mental, neurological, and physical health challenges. Legally, these invaluable partners have unlimited access to public places where other pets are forbidden. One of such essential service dogs is the psychiatric service dogs that support patients with mental illnesses.

Here, you’ll discover the seven best psychiatric service dog breeds. We’ll also help you understand the unique qualities of service dogs and where to get a psychiatric service dog letter for psychiatric service dog breeds.

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Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder

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Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder


First off, what are the seven types of service dogs?

Service dogs are man’s best friend with impeccable abilities and skill set to offer emotional and mental therapy. 

What Are the Seven Most Suitable Psychiatric Service Dog Breeds?

Psychiatric service dog breeds offer both emotional and therapeutic support to patients with mental disorders. In addition, their unique training enables them to respond to various situations, such as calling 911 during an emergency.

Below are the seven best psychiatric service dog breeds:

1. Standard Poodle

The poodle is one of the best psychiatric service dog breeds known for its intelligence, energy, and affection. Besides, the poodle is easy to train, so many dog trainers and pet enthusiasts. Poodles can resonate well with their owners’ feelings and always strive to be good companions.

A poodle can sense when your mood changes and acts swiftly to keep episodes of mental illnesses away. With proper training, poodles master the art of knowing peoples’ state of mind and are suitable PTSD dog breeds for those suffering from a panic attack and depression.

Though furry, poodles have a hypoallergenic coat and only shed a little fur. They are therefore suited to be around people who suffer from allergic conditions.

2. Labrador Retriever

As the name suggests, this type of dog breed was a fowl retriever, specially trained to grasp a hunted fowl and deliver it to the hunter. The Labrador retriever has iconic abilities that make it one of the best psychiatric service dog breeds.

It is super intelligent, gentle, and adaptable for training to succeed in any situation. In addition, the fowl retriever has impressive obedience and always strives to please its owner. Having a balanced personality trait, the Labrador is a loyal companion with a calm demeanor that can help manage autism in children. So, if you are looking for service dog breeds for PTSD, look no further.

Labrador retrievers are easy-going PTSD dog breeds that help patients suffering from depression, schizophrenia, and pain attacks.


Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder

Types of Service Dogs


3. Havanese

The Havanese is a small-sized family dog loved for its affectionate personality. They are friendly, intelligent, outgoing, and charming. Hence, they are among the best service dog breeds for PTSD and depression. The Havanese loves cuddling and enjoy human presence too. So, having one around you will brighten your day and make it memorable.

This canine cutie has a trainable personality with the ability to learn various skills and tricks. For instance, these dogs can deliver medication to their owners or interrupt a harmful, repetitive mental condition.

They are also loyal, playful lapdogs who make a good child companion, thus ideal for children with autism. It is a special breed recommended for all forms of psychiatric care.

4. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is an obedient and intelligent dog, a famous brand used by law enforcement agencies. They are bright and loyal to their owners, with beautiful traits that make them suitable for mental illness therapy.

They are gentle, dependable, and perfect for helping people handle various psychiatric challenges, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. In addition, their delicate nature allows them to blend well in the family to manage children with autism. Finally, they are highly trainable and capable of preventing panic attacks and repetitive mental behavior.

5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

They are cute, tiny dogs with remarkable personality traits and big hearts. Besides their appealing, aesthetic appearance, Cavalier kings are famous for their loving nature. They love cuddling and bonding with their owners, making them excellent candidates for the best psychiatric service dog breeds.

Unlike other breeds of dogs, cavaliers are friendly so that they won’t display any aggressive behavior in the presence of strangers. In addition, they are adaptable to training, intuitive, and fun-loving. Besides, their ability to bond and live in small quarters makes them perfect for PTSD service dog breeds.

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Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder

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Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder


6. Boxer

Like the German shepherd, the boxer is an all-rounded service dog capable of handling various high-level tasks. The boxer is an intelligent dog breed with solid stature. Their muscular body physique may be intimidating. However, they are very gentle psychiatric service dog breeds that love hanging around humans.

If properly trained, they can retrieve medications or interrupt obsessive mental behavior using tactile stimulation. Boxers make an excellent choice for psychiatric care to children with autism because of their trustworthy and friendly nature.

7. Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman has agility, strength, and stature, making it a famous guard dog used by police to conduct investigations. Unfortunately, as a result, many people perceive them to be lethal and scary.

However, they are affectionate, friendly, and always want to hang around their owners. When trained as psychiatric dogs, Dobermans may be suitable for handling mental conditions that require constant affirmations to the patient.

When summoned, they can provide tactile stimulation through licking to prevent repetitive, destructive behavior. Their loving presence makes Dobermans the best service dogs for PTSD.

Can Any Breed Be a Psychiatric Service Dog?

Indeed, any breed can serve as a psychiatric service dog, although some breeds are more suitable for the task than others. In addition, different people may prefer different species, depending on the job’s nature, location, personality traits, and many other factors. Hence, there is no best breed for everyone.


Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder

Attributes of Service Dogs


What Are Suitable Types of Service Dogs?

Before deployment, service dogs go through extensive training that helps prepare them for such tasks. Besides training, service dogs should possess unique qualities that match their job description.

Does Depression Qualify for a Service Dog?

Many mental illnesses require psychiatric dog therapy as part of the treatment. They include:

  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Panic attacks
  • Anxiety
  • Agoraphobia
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Guide dogs are the most popular and commonly known service dogs. They wear a special harness branded “service dog,” with a handle that enables the owner to grasp. Guide dogs play an all-important role in helping blind people and those with low vision to navigate their way.

ESAs can improve your overall mental health. Click the button below to get your ESA letter.


Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder

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Best emotional support dog for bipolar disorder



Emotional and mental illnesses may have far-reaching complications if not managed. In worst scenarios, mental disorders can cause death due to accidents and related injuries. Therefore, having the best psychiatric service dog breeds by your side is a significant step towards therapy and recovery.

At EsaCare, we understand your psychiatric needs and help you get a letter of certification to own a psychiatric service dog. 

Can dogs sense bipolar?

Service dogs can be trained to help people with bipolar and other mental issues. They can sense chemical changes in the body that can preclude a panic attack or manic state. A dog's response is to lean against their companion or place their head in the person's lap.

Are dogs good for people with bipolar?

Service animals can serve as an integral part of treatment plans for a variety of disabilities, from Bipolar Disorder to PTSD. A service dog can help those suffering from Bipolar Disorder restore some normalcy to their lives. It also has the added benefit of providing emotional comfort and companionship to its owner.

What kind of dog is best for emotional support?

Top 10 ESA Dog Breeds.
Labrador Retriever. Labradors are known to be some of the gentlest breeds around, so they make perfect ESAs. ... .
Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkies are the sweetest of the sweet lap dogs. ... .
Beagle. ... .
Corgi. ... .
Pug. ... .
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. ... .
Pomeranian. ... .
Golden Retriever..

What breed of dog is best for anxiety and depression?

Here are seven of the best breeds for anxiety and depression..
Poodles. According to Stanley Coren's book The Intelligence of Dogs, poodles are the second most intelligent dogs after border collies. ... .
Golden Labradors. ... .
Chihuahuas. ... .
Yorkshire Terriers. ... .
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. ... .
Pugs. ... .
Great Danes..