Can i give my dog anything for an upset stomach

Although your dog's upset stomach  (including vomiting and diarrhea) can be a common sign of poisoning or illness, the most common culprit in dogs is simple digestive upset.   More often than not, your dog could have eaten too much, too fast, or ate something he or she should not have consumed at all, causing an upset stomach or even vomiting.   

If scavenging trash, ingesting moldy, rotten food, or scarfing food too quickly is the culprit, then offering an at-home remedy for upset stomachs may do the trick. However, keep in mind that while isolated episodes may not be serious, if 2-3 episodes in a 24-hour period occur, or the upset stomach is accompanied by other symptoms, it could in fact be something more serious. 

According to Julie Reck DVM, Veterinary Medical Center of Fort Mill, South Carolina and Co-Founder of Aspire Vet, upset stomachs accompanied by other symptoms could warrant immediate medical attention.

“If a dog has other symptoms, such as a lack of appetite or is acting tired or sluggish, then even an isolated episode should be evaluated by your veterinarian,” Julie Reck DVM said.1

As far as giving an antacid to your pooch, avoid Pepto-Bismol® and other products containing salicylic acid, which inflame canine tummies. Your veterinarian may suggest Pepcid®, Mylanta® or Gaviscon® (except for pets with kidney disease).2 Additionally, oral probiotics may help with stomach issues, as long as the brand you choose does not contain xylitol.

Other tummy soothers for Fido may be found in places as close as your kitchen cupboard!  Consider checking out some do-it-yourself home remedies that may help your dog’s upset stomach:


Ginger can be a simple solution for a dog’s upset stomach, and what works better than ginger snap cookies? Two cookies for a medium-sized dog can generally does the trick.  If your dog will drink, you can also try peeling fresh ginger root, and boiling it in water. When cool, let him lap it up. All of these options can also help your dog with motion sickness. 

Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin Puree is a natural remedy for diarrhea since fiber helps firm up loose stools.  


Rice is very easily digested by a dog with an upset stomach.  Better yet, adding a spoonful of pumpkin to it can boost its benefits and make it taste yummier as well.  


Honey is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, and its pH is low enough to slow or prevent the growth of many types of bacteria. There is substantial evidence that New Zealand’s Manuka honey may be effective against Helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes stomach ulcers.3


Carob (aka pet-safe chocolate) is great for calming an upset tummy and curbing diarrhea. Mixing carob powder with a little honey and filtered water, or even into non-fat plain yogurt, can be a treat for your dog. 


Cinnamon has long been considered a treatment for nausea, fever and diarrhea!    

Slippery Elm

This is one of the greatest remedies for digestive disorders. When the bark is mixed with goat milk or goat milk yogurt, it lines the gut and intestines, protecting the mucous membranes from irritation. It is best to check with your veterinarian regarding dosing.4


Cabbage contains many nutrients that support the tummy and intestinal lining.  The veggie has anti-inflammatory properties, and cabbage can help curb stomach pain. 

  • Prevent pets from drinking out of lakes, streams, gutters, buckets and unsanitary sources.
  • Wash water bowls daily.
  • Don't feed table scraps or change a pet's diet suddenly.
  • Ensure all leftovers or potentially harmful foods are kept out of a pet’s reach
  • Check with your veterinarian regularly 

Dogs sometimes get into things that they should not, however vomiting and diarrhea can also be signs of serious illness.  When in doubt, always check with your veterinarian to ensure a quick recovery.  

Looking for more ways to keep your pup happy and healthy? Consider investing in a dog insurance policy with MetLife Pet Insurance.1  Get your free quote today. 

Does your dog seem to frequently have an upset stomach? Do they have more than occasional bouts of diarrhea? If so, your dog is pretty normal since dogs tend to suffer from an upset stomach more frequently than most humans. However, if your pooch eats something they shouldn't, eats a questionable food (one that may be rotten or on the verge of going bad), or overeats, these are all common causes of nasty stomach issues.

Does my dog have an upset stomach?

The hardest part of dealing with your dog's upset stomach is that they can't simply walk up to you and tell you their belly is hurting. However, if you know what to look for, more often than not you can spot the symptoms before the problem becomes severe. Among the most common symptoms of a queasy stomach are:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive drooling
  • Pacing
  • Eating grass or licking the carpets or floor
  • Lack of appetite 
  • Gurgling noises in the stomach
  • Gas

If you notice any of the above symptoms, chances are good that your dog has an upset stomach. In most cases, the problem will go away on its own, but there are also ways you can help your dog feel better faster.

What gave my dog a queasy stomach?

The most common cause of an upset stomach is when your dog has eaten something they shouldn't have. Canines explore the world with their mouths and often sample things they shouldn't. It's a natural thing they do that can often get them into trouble as they chew and bite their way through various items, especially as puppies. With some dogs, stress can also lead to an upset stomach in much the same way it does in humans. If your dog's gut and digestive system have a bacterial imbalance or sensitivity to foods and additives, these can also lead to problems with the tummy.

What can I do about my dog's nausea and stomach issues?

The first step you can take to help your dog with an upset stomach is to call your veterinarian to discuss the problem and ask if he thinks your dog needs to be seen. Beyond that, there are several treatments you can try at home that may help. These include:

Let the issue run its course by doing nothing beyond taking your furry companion's food away for 12 to 24 hours. When your dog has an unsettled stomach, the last thing needed is to be trying to digest more food. Remember, your dog can easily go this long without eating and doing so will give the stomach plenty of time to settle down.

If you don't want your dog going on a 24-hour fast, you can add one tablespoon of unsweetened plain yogurt to their food. This will not only soothe the gastric issues, but the probiotics in the yogurt will also replace the healthy bacteria that should be in the digestive system. The yogurt may even help to stimulate a lost appetite.

Can I give medicine for my dog's upset stomach?

Before you give your dog any type of medicine intended for human consumption, be sure to check with your vet to make sure the one you plan to use is safe and that all your pup has is an upset tummy. You can also give your dog a dose of Pepto Bismol, but always verify the dosage with your vet before administering it. You can give them Pepto every 6 to 8 hours. Never use Pepto for more than 24 to 48 hours. If the problem persists beyond this time, take your dog into the clinic.

Unless you have a breed related to the Collie, you can also use Imodium. Imodium seems to work very well, but again, ask the clinic about dosage amounts. If the condition lasts more than 2 days or seems to be getting worse, be sure to take your pup to see the vet or to an animal hospital emergency room.

Alternatives to medicine

If you have verified that there is not a serious problem going on with your dog, you can look to other remedies to "ease the quease" and stimulate a lack of appetite. If you have leftover cooked chicken at home, simmer the bones in a pot of water for the day, releasing stomach-soothing marrow and minerals into the water. Canned pumpkin (not spiced, canned pumpkin), when added to food has nausea abating properties. Add a dollop to a small amount of food.

Every dog gets an upset tummy from time to time, it seems to be quite normal and generally does not have any lasting effects. In most cases, you can simply let the problem run its course, but if your dog appears to be overly uncomfortable, there are medicines you can give them to ease discomfort and reduce vomiting and diarrhea. If you have any doubts at all about your dog's condition, be sure to contact your vet for further assistance.