Due date april 22 2022 when did i conceive

Most pregnancies last around 38 weeks from conception.  Typically women ovulate about two weeks after their menstrual cycle starts, so the best way to estimate your due date is to count 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the first day of your last menstrual period.  

Another way to do it is to subtract three months from the first day of your last period and add seven days. So if your last period started on April 11, you’d count back three months to January 11 and then add seven days, which means your due date would be January 18.

This is how your doctor will estimate your due date — and it’s a pretty solid target. But remember: It’s just as normal to deliver a week or two before or after.

You have several options for determining your conception date:

  • An ultrasound is the most accurate way to see how far along your pregnancy is. Ultrasounds provide a detailed look at your baby’s development and will give you a good estimate of how far along your pregnancy is.
  • An online pregnancy calculator can give an estimate of when you conceived based on when your last period was. This method is not as accurate as a confirmation ultrasound.

We offer free ultrasounds at our pregnancy center. Our medical professionals are trained in limited obstetrical ultrasound and provide medical services under the direction and supervision of a licensed physician.

How to Know When You Conceived

In general, women can only conceive when they are ovulating – that is, when their ovaries release a new egg into their fallopian tubes for fertilization. Ovulation usually occurs about two weeks after your menstrual period and lasts for two or three days.

However, not all women have the same cycles of menstruation and ovulation. Some women’s menstrual cycles are irregular. Others have ovulation periods closer to or further from their menstrual period. Some women simply aren’t sure when their last period was. In other words, calculating conception based just on your body cycles can be difficult.

You can also simply try to determine the last time you had sexual intercourse, but this method isn’t totally accurate either. Conception is a process and takes time, and a man’s sperm can actually stay alive inside your body for up to a week after sex. All of these factors can make it hard to know when exactly you conceived.

This is why a pregnancy confirmation ultrasound is the best way to know how far along your pregnancy is and to determine when you conceived. Pregnancy ultrasounds look directly at the development of your growing baby to determine its age and when you likely conceived. This method is much more accurate than date-based calculation.

The Due Date Calculator estimates the delivery date of a pregnant woman based on her last menstrual period (LMP), ultrasound, conception date, or IVF transfer date.

Estimation of due date

The due date, also known as the estimated date of confinement, is an estimation of when a pregnant woman will deliver her baby. While the due date is often estimated as a single date, it can be helpful to consider a range of due dates, since only 4% of births occur on the estimated due date.1

Due dates can be estimated using a number of different methods, including the last menstrual period, ultrasound, conception date, and IVF transfer date.

Last menstrual period

The default for this calculator bases the calculation on a woman's last menstrual period (LMP), under the assumption that childbirth on average occurs at a gestational age (age of a pregnancy calculated from the woman's last menstrual period) of 280 days, or 40 weeks. Although there is some debate regarding when pregnancy technically begins, whether at fertilization of the egg (conception), or when the egg adheres to the uterus (implantation), gestational age does not vary based on different definitions of pregnancy since it is based on LMP. In terms of gestational age, pregnancies typically last between 37 and 42 weeks, with 40 weeks often being used as an estimate in calculations. Thus, the due date is usually estimated by calculating the date that is 40 weeks from the start of a woman's LMP.


Estimating due date based on ultrasound involves the use of soundwaves to look inside the body and compare the growth of the fetus to typical growth rates of babies around the world. It is a simple process that can be performed quickly and easily, that has no known risk to babies, and can be an accurate estimate of the due date early in the pregnancy.

Conception date

Using conception date to estimate due date is similar to using the last menstrual period, except for a difference of about two weeks in the point of measurement, based on the timing between the last menstrual period and the date of conception.

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

When using in vitro fertilization, the estimation of the due date is generally more precise than calculating the due date based on natural conception, since the exact transfer date is known. It still uses the average gestational age at birth of 40 weeks from a woman's last menstrual period, as do the other methods. In the case of IVF, however, the due date estimate can be made based on LMP, day of ovulation, egg retrieval, insemination, as well as the date of the 3-day or 5-day embryo transfer. In this calculator, the embryo transfer date is used.

Due date as a reference point

Generally, the point within the 37 to 42-week window at which the baby is born is not a cause for concern. Babies born between 37-39 weeks, 39-41 weeks, and 41-42 weeks are considered early term, full-term, and late-term, respectively. Under normal circumstances, babies born within any of these ranges can be healthy, though full-term babies generally have better outcomes.2 Babies born before 37 weeks are considered preterm, or premature, while those born after 42 weeks are postterm. These ranges are important as a reference for doctors to determine whether or not any action is necessary. For example, if a woman goes into labor too early at 33 weeks, doctors may stop labor to avoid a preterm baby that can have a host of health issues due to underdevelopment. Conversely, if a woman has not gone into labor after 42 weeks, doctors may induce labor. One possible complication of allowing the pregnancy to proceed beyond 42 weeks is that the placenta, which is responsible for providing nutrition and oxygen to the baby, can stop functioning properly, while the baby continues growing (requiring more nutrients and oxygen), which would eventually lead to a point in the pregnancy where the baby can no longer be adequately supported.3

  1. Moore, Keith. 2015. "How accurate are 'due dates'?" BBC, February 3, 2015. www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31046144.
  2. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 2017. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnancy.
  3. PubMed Health. 2014. "Pregnancy and birth: When your baby's due date has passed." www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0072755/.

When did I conceive based on my due date?

For a regular 28-day cycle, pregnancy is estimated to be 280 days, or 40 weeks, from your last menstrual period, and 266 days, or 38 weeks, from the date of ovulation. Therefore, to calculate the most likely date of conception, you need to subtract 266 days from your estimated due date.

How far along am I if my due date is April 22 2022?

Where you're at.

What exact day did I conceive?

To find your conception date, you will have to perform some calculations to estimate it. Find out on what day your last period began, and add your average cycle length in days to that date. Finally, subtract 14 days and you will have an estimate of conception date.


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