Where to get my cats nails cut near me

If you're wondering whether it is necessary to trim a cat's claws, trimming a cat's claws every few weeks is an important part of maintaining your pet's health. Not only does a quick trim protect you, your pet and your family, it can also save your sofa, curtains and other furniture.

Nail-trimming is also a fast and effective alternative to declawing, which involves surgical amputation and can cause behavioral and health issues.

If the idea of trimming a cat's claws has you biting your nails, know that all it takes is some patience and a bit of practice to sharpen your skills.

Staying on the cutting edge

There are plenty of tools available to trim a cat's claws. Use the one that works best for you and your pet.

Some people prefer a special pair of scissors modified to hold a cat's claw in place or choose pliers-like clippers or those with a sliding "guillotine" blade. But it is okay to use human nail clippers. Whatever your tool, be sure the blade remains sharp. The blunt pressure from dull blades may hurt an animal and cause a nail to split or bleed. Keep something on hand to stop bleeding, such as styptic powder, cornstarch or a dry bar of soap (to rub the bleeding nail across).

Cat Nail Clippers on Amazon.com

How much does it cost to cut the nails of a cat?

A nail trim is usually one of the least expensive cat grooming services on the "spa" menu. Paying a groomer to clip your cat's nails will cost you an average of $10-$15.

Will PetSmart clip my cat's nails?

Express services can be arranged upon request, shortening service time. Minor services, such as nail trims, take approximately 15 minutes and no appointment is necessary (subject to salon availability).

Do indoor cats need nails trimmed?

Both indoor and outdoor cats need to have their nails trimmed because their nails can be snagged and caught in soft surfaces, or the cat may lose their ability to retract their claws altogether. Arthritic cats, indoors or out, usually don't exercise enough to keep their nails short via scratching.