How do you say pot in spanish

Cooking: Basic cooking items include the following: large cooking pot, clay pot, frying pan, large knife, spatula and cooking spoon.

[...] art�culos de cocina b�sicos incluyen los siguientes: olla grande, olla de barro, sart�n, cuchillo grande, esp�tula y cuchara de cocina.

Put large cooking pot on medium high heat.

Poner olla grande a calentar a fuego [...]

Remove the water from the papaya and place the slices

[...] of papaya in a large cooking pot (4-5 quarts).

Escurrir el agua de la papaya y poner los

[...] pedazos de papaya en una olla grande (4-5 cuartos).

Cover large cooking pot with lid and boil the papaya [...]

slices at medium heat for 30 minutes.

Cubrir la olla con la tapa y hervir los pedazos [...]

de papaya a fuego mediano por 30 minutos.

[...] had prepared a meal in large cooking pots that the men were now washing [...]

under the faucet since the meal was finished.

Ellas son las que cocinan en las grandes ollas que los hombres est�n [...]

fregando debajo del grifo ya que terminaron de comer.

Filter the mix using an strainer and pour the

[...] coconut milk in a large cooking pot (4-5 quarts of [...]

Colar la mezla de leche de coco utilizando un colador y vaciar la

[...] leche de coco en una olla grande (4-5 cuartos de gal�n).

Place cod in a large cooking pot (4-5 quarts) [...]

and fill the cooking pot with running water until you cover all the cod pieces.

Llenar una olla grande (4-5 cuartos) con agua [...]

de la pluma hasta que el agua cubra todos los pedazos de bacalao.

The large 5000-liter "common cooking pot" at Assembly [...]

15 is a clear proof of this.

La gran "olla popular" de 5000 litros es la evidencia [...]

On a flat ground prepare the bottom of the firepit by packing a circle of rammed earth 2 -

[...] 2.5" high and 8" larger than the diameter of the cooking pot.

Sobre un terreno liso y horizontal, prepara la base


de la hoguera cavando un c�rculo de 5 � 6 cm de profundidad y

[...] de di�metro ser�a lo que mide la cazuela a�adi�ndole 20 cm.

[...] sieved into a clay cooking pot and mixed with [...]

Se cuela en una olla de barro y se mezcla [...]

con la pasta de almendras.

This special cooking pot will save energy [...]

and time, and be a source of enhanced nourishment.

Esta olla les ahorrar� tiempo y energ�a, [...]

y ser� una fuente de mejor alimentaci�n.

[...] chop the leeks and put them in a cooking pot on the heat when the water starts [...]

Se limpian y se trocean los

[...] puerros y se echan a un puchero puesto al fuego cuando el agua empiece a hervir.

Fagiolo Cannellino di Atina' was always the main food of the


local people, who cooked it in the

[...] traditional 'pignata' (cooking pot), seasoning it [...]

with a dribble of olive oil; in the past,


it was the only food eaten at lunchtime.

El �Fagiolo Cannellino di Atina� ha sido


siempre el alimento principal de los

[...] campesinos, que lo cocinaban en la tradicional [...]

�pi�ata� y lo condimentaban con un chorrito


de aceite de oliva; antiguamente era la �nica comida de mediod�a.

The well-meaning people who bought Sendje did

[...] save her from the cooking pot, but they also [...]

unwittingly contributed to the trade in orphaned chimps.

[...] Sendje la salv� de la olla, pero al mismo tiempo [...]

contribuy� al problema del comercio en chimpanc�s hu�rfanos.

[...] browned, add a large spoonful of cooking water and then [...]

Cuando los ajos est�n dorados, se a�ade un

[...] cuchar�n de agua de la cocci�n y despu�s la mezcla de [...]

[...] place them in a large pot with plenty of [...]

[...] ponerlas en una olla grande con mucha agua [...]

When cooking large batches or storing [...]

leftovers, separate them into smaller portions before you put them in the fridge or freezer.

Al cocinar grandes cantidades o guardar [...]

las sobras, sep�relas en porciones m�s peque�as antes de colocarlas en el refrigerador o el freezer.

[...] is fried in a cooking pot using a little [...]

lard and a little oil, accompanied by the chicken or rabbit's liver, which is then put on one side.

En una cazuela se prepara la carne con [...]

un poco de manteca y aceite, acompa�ada del h�gado -de pollo o conejo-, que luego se reserva.

[...] minutes, add 2 or 3 large spoonfuls of octopus cooking water.

[...] a�aden 2 � 3 cucharones del agua de la cocci�n del pulpo.

All of it must be cooked in the

[...] indispensable clay cooking pot known in Minorca [...]

Todo ello cocinado en una imprescindible [...]

caldera de barro, que en Menorca se llama ti� o perol.

Tie the crayfish and place in a cooking pot with 6.5 cups of boiling water.

[...] introducirla en una olla con 6,5 tazas de agua hirviendo.

Put water on to heat in a cooking pot, when it comes to [...]

boil, add the beans and simmer, along with the bacon.

Poner a calentar agua en un puchero, cuando hierva echar [...]

en �l las alubias y cocer a fuego lento, junto al tocino.

When she tried to prepare a meal for her husband, she had poured hot water

[...] over herself; the cooking pot was too heavy for her.

Cuando trataba de preparar la comida para su marido, le cay� agua

[...] encima ya que la olla de cocina era demasiado pesada [...]

A girl from the nomadic Peul Bororo ethnic group squats near a pot cooking on a smoky fire, in the village of Kehene, Niger.

Dos mujeres del grupo �tnico Peul Bororo, en la aldea de Kehene, N�ger, muelen millo en un mortero con pistaderos de madera.

Heat the unopened can in a bain-marie for approx. 10 minutes or take the cold cheeseburger out of the can

How do you say plant pot in Spanish?

plant pot {noun} macetero {m} [SAm.]

What is Spanish POTA?

echar la(s) pota(s) (very informal) to puke (very informal) ⧫ throw up (informal)

What is pot roast called in Spanish?

pot roast {noun} carne a la cacerola {f} [LAm.]

What is a pan in Spanish slang?

el pan NOUN bread; loaf.