How often should u change your car battery

How Often Should You Change Car Battery? Few people avoid taking care of the car battery. However, this is the most important part of a vehicle. The battery of your car has a range of tasks, it begins from starting the engine and then the powering of car peripherals.

Other than changing oil, replacing the air filters, and other services, taking care of the battery will ensure the smooth running of the car for a long time. A damaged or flat tire is the topmost cause for roadside help calls.

Also, abrupt breakdown at the middle of the road is because of the old battery is also another reason for roadside assistance calls. So, how to know if you should change the battery, and how often you should do it? Let’s find out more below.

    • Car batteries get damaged in three years
    • The working technique of the car’s electrical system
    • The new car puts a bigger strain on the battery
    • Check the battery frequently to avoid any road issue
    • Maintain the battery to extend its lifespan
  • To get a better life of your car battery, you can follow some tips such as:
  • Conclusion

Car batteries get damaged in three years

How often should u change your car battery

However, car batteries can last five years if you maintain them properly. But if you fail to do so, the car battery will wear down within a year. It’s similar to your phone or computer battery that becomes weaker after every charge.

Usually, after three years of continuous use, it’s time to change the car battery. Also, after four to five-year car batteries are rendered useless. Fortunately, it’s easy to detect if the battery is near the end.

The working technique of the car’s electrical system

How often should u change your car battery

Once the car is running, even the defective battery will work fine, since the charge of it comes from the engine. This is the best time to test the battery shortly after you start the vehicle. Even though the battery isn’t in the right position, your car will start quickly.

However, some things will get affected with it like the headlights will not give the right performance.

To detect the issue, you can try starting the vehicle at night time, if the headlights are dim, then the battery is failing. The headlights will glow brighter if you apply the accelerator. This is the best way to check the battery.

If the equipment is fully damaged, then your car will not start at all.

The new car puts a bigger strain on the battery

How often should u change your car battery

If you have a sophisticated car or a bigger vehicle, there will be increased strain on the battery. New cars have advanced computer-operated system, and it works even when the car is parked and switched off.

These computer operation draws increased energy from the battery making it slow. Although the charge draws a tiny amount of power, the battery wears down if it isn’t used for a long time.

If you barely drive the car, you need to drive the vehicle at least round the block or two just to have the battery running and recharge it.

Check the battery frequently to avoid any road issue

How often should u change your car battery

The next time you take the car for servicing ask the professionals to check the battery. The damage of vehicle battery isn’t steady, and the performance can go from 90% to twenty percent without any warning in some months.

Battery testing is easy, but it’s best to do it at a car repair or servicing shop. The repair person will use an electrical device to check the battery. Regular checking will reveal if the car battery needs changing or replacement. It will also prevent the car from roadside breakdown.

Maintain the battery to extend its lifespan

How often should u change your car battery

Driving aggressively will wear down the car’s brakes and tires, similarly driving without caring about the battery will reduce its longevity. If you maintain the battery, it will give you more time, and save money.

To get a better life of your car battery, you can follow some tips such as:

  • Take the car for servicing regularly, to prevent any kind of battery-induced damage to the vehicle. This will also save you from roadside assistance.
  • Avoid leaving the lights on and air conditioning when you don’t need it. If you accidentally do it, this will drain the battery. Also, drive your car frequently to regulate the battery system.
  • Check the battery if you are driving on a bumpy path, as it can lose the connection.
  • Ensure the cleanliness of the battery case and terminals. Keep it dust-free.


How often should u change your car battery

If you follow these tips, you can have a long time service from the car battery. Also, it will give at least three years of performance and you won’t have to think about the change car battery topic for the period.

How do I know when my car needs a new battery?

Four signs you need a new car battery.
The engine cranks, but won't start. ... .
The engine won't crank (and the accessories and lights are off) ... .
You've had to jump start your car a lot. ... .
Your car battery is cracked, swollen or leaking..

How often a car battery should be replaced?

Ever wonder, “How often should a car battery be replaced?” Many car experts agree you should change your battery every 4-5 years, though that time frame depends on several factors that affect battery life.

How long will an average car battery last?

Car batteries have a finite lifespan Batteries gradually deteriorate until they can no longer provide enough power to start an engine. This wear time could take three to five years and a vehicle's usage pattern is one factor contributing to the rate at which a battery will age.